一、 漏洞 CVE-2022-34321 基础信息
Apache Pulsar:Pulsar代理统计端点的不适当身份验证
来源:AIGC 神龙大模型
Apache Pulsar代理中的身份验证不当漏洞允许攻击者在未经过身份验证的情况下连接到/proxy-stats端点。受影响的端点会暴露关于活动连接的详细统计信息,以及无需适当身份验证凭据即可修改代理连接日志级别的能力。 此问题影响了以下Apache Pulsar版本:2.6.0 到 2.10.5,2.11.0 到 2.11.2,3.0.0 到 3.0.1,以及 3.1.0。 受影响的Pulsar代理用户的建议升级如下: - 2.10 Pulsar Proxy 用户应至少升级到 2.10.6。 - 2.11 Pulsar Proxy 用户应至少升级到 2.11.3。 - 3.0 Pulsar Proxy 用户应至少升级到 3.0.2。 - 3.1 Pulsar Proxy 用户应至少升级到 3.1.1。 使用上述列表之前版本的用户应升级至上述已修复版本或更高版本。另外,重要的是要认识到Apache Pulsar代理并不是直接暴露在互联网上的设计目的。Pulsar代理的架构假设它将在一个受保护的网络环境中运行,周围有适当的外围防御措施来确保安全。
来源:AIGC 神龙大模型
来源:AIGC 神龙大模型
来源:AIGC 神龙大模型
Apache Pulsar: Improper Authentication for Pulsar Proxy Statistics Endpoint
来源:美国国家漏洞数据库 NVD
Improper Authentication vulnerability in Apache Pulsar Proxy allows an attacker to connect to the /proxy-stats endpoint without authentication. The vulnerable endpoint exposes detailed statistics about live connections, along with the capability to modify the logging level of proxied connections without requiring proper authentication credentials. This issue affects Apache Pulsar versions from 2.6.0 to 2.10.5, from 2.11.0 to 2.11.2, from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1, and 3.1.0. The known risks include exposing sensitive information such as connected client IP and unauthorized logging level manipulation which could lead to a denial-of-service condition by significantly increasing the proxy's logging overhead. When deployed via the Apache Pulsar Helm chart within Kubernetes environments, the actual client IP might not be revealed through the load balancer's default behavior, which typically obscures the original source IP addresses when externalTrafficPolicy is being configured to "Cluster" by default. The /proxy-stats endpoint contains topic level statistics, however, in the default configuration, the topic level statistics aren't known to be exposed. 2.10 Pulsar Proxy users should upgrade to at least 2.10.6. 2.11 Pulsar Proxy users should upgrade to at least 2.11.3. 3.0 Pulsar Proxy users should upgrade to at least 3.0.2. 3.1 Pulsar Proxy users should upgrade to at least 3.1.1. Users operating versions prior to those listed above should upgrade to the aforementioned patched versions or newer versions. Additionally, it's imperative to recognize that the Apache Pulsar Proxy is not intended for direct exposure to the internet. The architectural design of Pulsar Proxy assumes that it will operate within a secured network environment, safeguarded by appropriate perimeter defenses.
来源:美国国家漏洞数据库 NVD
来源:美国国家漏洞数据库 NVD
来源:美国国家漏洞数据库 NVD
Apache Pulsar 访问控制错误漏洞
来源:中国国家信息安全漏洞库 CNNVD
Apache Pulsar是美国阿帕奇(Apache)基金会的一个用于云环境种,集消息、存储、轻量化函数式计算为一体的分布式消息流平台。该软件支持多租户、持久化存储、多机房跨区域数据复制,具有强一致性、高吞吐以及低延时的高可扩展流数据存储特性。 Apache Pulsar 存在访问控制错误漏洞,该漏洞源于不正确身份验证。无需正确的身份验证凭据即可修改代理连接的日志记录级别的功能。
来源:中国国家信息安全漏洞库 CNNVD
来源:中国国家信息安全漏洞库 CNNVD
来源:中国国家信息安全漏洞库 CNNVD
二、漏洞 CVE-2022-34321 的公开POC
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三、漏洞 CVE-2022-34321 的情报信息