# | POC 描述 | 源链接 | 神龙链接 |
标题: Manipulating OpenFlow Link Discovery Packet Forwarding for Topology Poisoning | Proceedings of the 2024 on ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security -- 🔗来源链接
标题: GitHub - mzc796/marionette_onos: demo code of marionette attack on onos cluster -- 🔗来源链接
标题: GitHub - mzc796/marionette_odl: We provide a demo of Marionette attacking ODL Calcium on a fat tree topology. It starts with collecting network information and learn a deceptive topology, making more flows going to a eavesdropping node. Then Marionette composes and sends poisonous flow entries to make the deceptive topology being discovered by the legitimated controller. -- 🔗来源链接