POC详情: 1187180054aa222c3e6e70d1e4347ddf3293c1a5

标题: GNU glibc 基于堆的缓冲区错误漏洞 (CVE-2015-0235)
描述:GNU glibc(又名GNU C Library,libc6)是一种按照LGPL许可协议发布的开源免费的C语言编译程序。 GNU glibc 2.2版本和2.18之前2.x版本中的‘__nss_hostname_digits_dots’函数存在基于堆的缓冲区溢出漏洞。本地和远程攻击者都可通过调用‘ gethostbyname*()’函数利用该漏洞以运行应用程序的用户权限执行任意代码,控制系统。
cookbook for update glibc. CVE-2015-0235(GHOST)

### Overview

cookbook for update glibc.

* Japan

* English

### Description

update glibc by Chef Solo.

* Attention. this cookbook need to reboot.

* Platform is Ubuntu and CentOS.

### Requirement

* cookbook 'build-essential'
* cookbook 'apt'
* cookbook 'yum-epal'

### Install

* Ruby 2.1.5 or later
* gem install bundler

### Usage

* bundle install

bundle install

* set node

  "run_list": [
    "recipe[security_check_glibc]", # set exploit code and compile
    "recipe[security_update_glibc]" # node reboot after glibc update

* set test(default webapp)

$ mv spec/webapp spec/YourServer

* test

$ rake spec LOGIN_USER=loginuser PASS=userpassword

* provision server

$ bundle exec knife solo bootstrap YourServer

### Develop(Vagrant)

#### build and run test

* install virtualbox
* install vagrant

* bootstrapping

vagrant up

* add ssh config

vagrant ssh-config >> ~/.ssh/config

* chanage Host

$ vim ~/.ssh/config
- Host default
+ Host webapp

* test

$ rake spec LOGIN_USER=vagrant PASS=vagrant

* provision server

$ bundle exec knife solo bootstrap webapp

* This Vagrant has been correspondence is complete.(glibc-2.12-1.149.el6_6.5.x86_64)

### Contribution
- Fork the this repository on GitHub
- Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
- Write your change
- If at all possible, write serverspec tests for your change and ensure they all pass
- Submit a pull request using GitHub

[4.0K] /data/pocs/1187180054aa222c3e6e70d1e4347ddf3293c1a5 ├── [ 199] Berksfile ├── [ 387] Berksfile.lock ├── [4.0K] data_bags ├── [4.0K] environments ├── [ 168] Gemfile ├── [4.6K] Gemfile.lock ├── [4.0K] nodes │   └── [ 96] webapp.json ├── [ 521] Rakefile ├── [1.7K] README.md ├── [4.0K] roles ├── [4.0K] site-cookbooks │   ├── [4.0K] security_check_glibc │   │   ├── [ 495] CHANGELOG.md │   │   ├── [ 347] metadata.rb │   │   ├── [1.5K] README.md │   │   ├── [4.0K] recipes │   │   │   └── [ 453] default.rb │   │   └── [4.0K] templates │   │   └── [4.0K] default │   │   └── [ 906] GHOST.c │   └── [4.0K] security_update_glibc │   ├── [ 511] CHANGELOG.md │   ├── [ 356] metadata.rb │   ├── [1.5K] README.md │   └── [4.0K] recipes │   └── [ 444] default.rb ├── [4.0K] spec │   ├── [ 752] spec_helper.rb │   └── [4.0K] webapp │   └── [ 231] ghost_spec.rb ├── [3.0K] Vagrantfile └── [ 44] Vagrantfile.chef 13 directories, 20 files
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