Oracle Enterprise Manager Base Platform 安全漏洞
描述:Oracle Enterprise Manager Base Platform是美国甲骨文(Oracle)公司的一套本地管理平台。该平台主要用于管理Oracle产品部署。 Oracle Enterprise Manager Base Platform 产品中存在安全漏洞,该漏洞允许通过 HTTP 进行网络访问的低权限攻击者破坏 Enterprise Manager Base Platform。成功攻击此漏洞可导致对关键数据的未授权访问或对所有 Enterprise Manager Base Platfor
CVE-2022-21392: Local Privilege Escalation via NMR SUID in Oracle Enterprise Manager
# CVE-2022-21392: Local Privilege Escalation via NMR SUID in Oracle Enterprise Manager
In Oracle installations, where the “nmr” binary is present and SUID-ed as “root”, due to insecure directory permissions, the “oracle” user can elevate his/her privileges to that of the “root” user by replacing the “nmr_macro_list” file.
### Vendor Disclosure:
The vendor's disclosure and fix for this vulnerability can be found [here](https://www.oracle.com/security-alerts/cpujan2022.html).
### Requirements:
This vulnerability requires:
- Access on the local system as the "oracle" user (e.g. executing arbitrary Java code via a compromised Oracle Database)
### Proof Of Concept:
More details and the exploitation process can be found in this [PDF](https://github.com/mbadanoiu/CVE-2022-21392/blob/main/Oracle%20Enterprise%20Manager%20-%20CVE-2022-21392.pdf).
[4.0K] /data/pocs/1349aad361e2b7ac30956bb164aa537bae8e811b
├── [469K] Oracle Enterprise Manager - CVE-2022-21392.pdf
└── [ 883] README.md
0 directories, 2 files
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