POC详情: 16dbc0338379d9fccb85b863b0dc3557d16ec47b

标题: libssh2 输入验证错误漏洞 (CVE-2019-13115)
描述:libssh2是一款实现SSH2协议的客户端C库,它能够执行远程命令、文件传输,同时为远程的程序提供安全的传输通道。 libssh2 1.9.0之前版本中的kex.c文件的ex_method_diffie_hellman_group_exchange_sha256_key_exchange存在输入验证错误漏洞。该漏洞源于网络系统或产品在内存上执行操作时,未正确验证数据边界,导致向关联的其他内存位置上执行了错误的读写操作。攻击者可利用该漏洞导致缓冲区溢出或堆溢出等。
Create an exploit to libssh2 vulnerabulity described in CVE-2019-13115
# Libssh2-Exploit

In this project, we aim to create an exploit to an out of bounds read vulnerabulity in libssh2 described in CVE-2019-13115. Create a malicious ssh server to cause a client connecting to it to crash and see if this can be exploited further to steal data from the client.

Getting the OpenSSH Server Running
* Download and extract openssh-8.1p1.tar.gz(for unedited OpenSSH server) or openssh-malicious.zip(for the malicious server).
* Go to the folder and run the below commands
  1) ./configure --with-md5-passwords --with-pam --with-selinux --with-privsep-path=/var/lib/sshd/ --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh --with-audit=debug --disable-strip 
  2) make
  3) sudo make install
  4) sudo /usr/local/sbin/sshd

Setting up libssh2 and verifying crash
* Download and extract libssh2-1.8.2.tar.gz to any folder, say /usr/src/libssh2-1.8.2
* Run the following commands
  1) ./configure
  2) make
  3) make install
  4) ./ssh2 \<username\> \<password\>  ***This will trigger a crash***
* to compile any C program having libssh2 libraries, use the following commands
  1) gcc -g -I /usr/src/libssh2-1.8.2/include -I /usr/src/libssh2-1.8.2/src -L /usr/local/lib ssh2.c -o ssh222 -lssh2
  2) If while running, if there are issues with dynamically linked libraries
      <br/>a) ensure the libraries are present in /usr/local/lib
      <br/>b) LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
      <br/>c) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

[4.0K] /data/pocs/16dbc0338379d9fccb85b863b0dc3557d16ec47b ├── [839K] libssh2-1.8.2.tar.gz ├── [1.5M] openssh-8.1p1.tar.gz ├── [2.0M] openssh-malicious.zip ├── [261K] Project Report.pdf └── [1.5K] README.md 0 directories, 5 files
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