jeecg SQL注入漏洞
描述:jeecg是一个应用软件。一款基于代码生成器的智能开发平台。 jeecg-boot 3.5.0版本存在SQL注入漏洞,该漏洞源于文件 jmreport/qurestSql 存在安全问题, 通过参数 apiSelectId 导致SQL注入。
jeecg-boot unauthorized SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2023-1454)
# CVE-2023-1454
## jeecg-boot unauthorized SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2023-1454)
| **Vulnerability** | **jeecg-boot unauthorized SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2023-1454)** |
| :----: | :-----|
| **Chinese name** | jeecg-boot 未授权SQL注入漏洞(CVE-2023-1454 |
| **CVSS core** | 9.8 |
| **FOFA Query** (click to view the results directly)| [title=="JeecgBoot 企业级低代码平台"](https://fofa.info/result?qbase64=dGl0bGU9PSJKZWVjZ0Jvb3Qg5LyB5Lia57qn5L2O5Luj56CB5bmz5Y%2BwIg%3D%3Da) |
| **Number of assets affected** | 3957 |
| **Description** | JeecgBoot is a low -code development platform based on code generator. Java Low Code Platform for Enterprise web applications jeecg-boot(v3.5.0) latest unauthorized sql injection. |
| **Impact** | In addition to using SQL injection vulnerabilities to obtain information in the database (for example, the administrator's back-end password, the user's personal information of the site), an attacker can write a Trojan horse to the server even in a high-privileged situation to further obtain server system permissions. |

**[Goby Official URL: https://gobies.org/](https://gobies.org/)**
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