Apache OFBiz 代码问题漏洞
描述:Apache OFBiz是美国阿帕奇(Apache)基金会的一套企业资源计划(ERP)系统。该系统提供了一整套基于Java的Web应用程序组件和工具。 Apache OFBiz Solr plugin 18.12.05 及之前版本存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于默认配置在localhost的1099端口上自动发出RMI请求,通过在localhost上托管一个恶意的RMI服务器,攻击者可以在服务器启动或服务器重启时利用这一行为,从而运行任意代码。
CVE-2022-29063: Java Deserialization via RMI Connection in Apache OfBiz
# CVE-2022-29063: Java Deserialization via RMI Connection in Apache OfBiz
The OfBiz Solr plugin is configured by default to automatically make a RMI request on localhost, port 1099.
By hosting a malicious RMI server on localhost, an attacker may exploit this behavior, at server start-up or on a server restart, in order to run arbitrary code as the user that started OfBiz and potentially elevate his/her privileges.
### Vendor Disclosure:
The vendor's disclosure and fix for this vulnerability can be found [here](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12646).
### Requirements:
This vulnerability requires:
- Run a malicious RMI server on localhost:1099
- Wait for Apache OfBiz application to start/restart
### Proof Of Concept:
More details and the exploitation process can be found in this [PDF](https://github.com/mbadanoiu/CVE-2022-29063/blob/main/Apache%20OfBiz%20-%20CVE-2022-29063.pdf).
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├── [704K] Apache OfBiz - CVE-2022-29063.pdf
└── [ 915] README.md
0 directories, 2 files
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