Apple iOS WebKit 内存损坏漏洞
描述:Apple iOS是美国苹果(Apple)公司为移动设备所开发的一套操作系统。WebKit是KDE、苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)等公司共同开发的一套开源Web浏览器引擎,目前被Apple Safari及Google Chrome等浏览器使用。 Apple iOS 9.3.5之前的版本中的WebKit存在安全漏洞。远程攻击者可借助恶意的网站利用该漏洞执行任意代码,或造成拒绝服务(内存损坏)。
Exploiting CVE-2016-4657 to JailBreak the Nintendo Switch
# Switcheroo
## Nintendo Switch JailBreak PoC
This is a proof-of-concept of exploiting the CVE-2016-4657 vulnerability to allow for **future** jail-breaking of the Nintendo Switch console. Please beware that this is not a complete jailbreak, and the code shared here is for **academic purpose only**!
We discourage any usage of the code and/or the attached article for malicious activity.
## Developers
Idan A. ([@iDaN5x](https://github.com/idan5x))
Avraam I. (@avraaif)
Netanel O.
## Special Thanks
Mrs. Alona K. (M.Sc) for guidance and support.
[@LiveOverflow](https://github.com/LiveOverflow) for providing educational information.
## How
Please refer to the article we published for information about the technics used by this software.
The article is available [here](https://github.com/iDaN5x/Switcheroo/wiki/Article), or as a file in both [Word](https://github.com/iDaN5x/Switcheroo/raw/master/Article.docx) & [PDF](https://github.com/iDaN5x/Switcheroo/raw/master/Article.pdf) formats.
## Running
### On the demo browser
We wrote for demonstration purposes; this (very) minimal browser can only run on Debian Linux distributions.
Just download the latest version from the release page & run the browser to test the exploit for your enjoyment.
[4.0K] /data/pocs/44d3b437417301d669f2f23144c0206c921f9b19
├── [846K] Article.pdf
├── [ 720] CMakeLists.txt
├── [4.0K] exploit
│ ├── [2.9K] index.html
│ ├── [6.7K] jailbreak.js
│ ├── [1002] logger.js
│ └── [1.5K] style.css
├── [1.0K] LICENSE
├── [1.8K] main.cpp
└── [1.2K] README.md
1 directory, 9 files
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