POC详情: 4b371876b17ba258f3ca246ee40100969996ba8a

标题: Primetek Primefaces 加密问题漏洞 (CVE-2017-1000486)
描述:Primetek Primefaces是一个开源的使用在Java EE系统中的UI库。 Primetek Primefaces 5.x版本中存在加密问题漏洞。远程攻击者可利用该漏洞执行代码。
Proof of Concept Exploit for PrimeFaces 5.x EL Injection (CVE-2017-1000486)
# CVE-2017-1000486

Proof of Concept Exploit for PrimeFaces 5.x EL Injection (CVE-2017-1000486), a RCE vulnerability that can be used to gain Remote 
Code Execution on a target.

## Vulnerability description
You can find an excellent description of the vulnerability on the [Minded Security blog](https://blog.mindedsecurity.com/2016/02/rce-in-oracle-netbeans-opensource.html).

## Usage

The exploit provides a help function that prints all important parameters

./primefaces.py --help

PrimeFaces 5.x EL injection exploit (CVE-2017-1000486) by MOGWAI LABS

usage: primefaces.py [-h] [-t] [-e EXTENSION] url [payload]

PrimeFaces 5.x EL injection exploit

positional arguments:
  url                   The target URL (http/https)
  payload               File with the JavaScript (Rino/Nashorn) code to
                        execute or OS command

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --test            Test mode (off by default)
  -e EXTENSION, --extension EXTENSION
                        Extension of the target (xhtml, jsf)


The exploit provides a simple test mode (-t parameter) that can be used to verify if a target is actually vulnerable. 
This works by sending the following EL-Expression to the target, which will add an additional header field to the HTTP response. 
The header is then checked by the exploit:


Actual exploitation works by invoking the JavaScript interpreter that is bundeld with the Java VM. This allows to execute 
arbitrary Java Code from JavaScript.

The exploit provides two example payloads:

- payload.js (Execute a OS command)
- sleep.js (Sleep for 4 seconds, causing a delay of the response)

Please note that none of this examples will provide you with the output of the command.


[4.0K] /data/pocs/4b371876b17ba258f3ca246ee40100969996ba8a ├── [ 59] payload.js ├── [4.1K] primefaces.py ├── [1.9K] README.md ├── [ 23] requirements.txt └── [ 32] sleep.js 0 directories, 5 files
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