Linux kernel 竞争条件问题漏洞
描述:Linux kernel是美国Linux基金会的开源操作系统Linux所使用的内核。 Linux kernel 2.x至4.8.3之前的4.x版本中的mm/gup.c文件存在竞争条件问题漏洞,该漏洞源于程序没有正确处理copy-on-write(COW)功能写入只读内存映射。本地攻击者可利用该漏洞获取权限。
PoC for Dirty COW (CVE-2016-5195)
# 0xdeadbeef
PoC for [Dirty COW](http://dirtycow.ninja/) (CVE-2016-5195).
This PoC relies on ptrace (instead of `/proc/self/mem`) to patch vDSO. It has a
few advantages over PoCs modifying filesystem binaries:
- no setuid binary required
- SELinux bypass
- container escape
- no kernel crash because of filesystem writeback
And a few cons:
- architecture dependent (since the payload is written in assembly)
- doesn't work on every Linux version
- subject to vDSO changes
## Payload
The current payload is almost the same as in
[The Sea Watcher](https://github.com/scumjr/the-sea-watcher) and is executed
whenever a process makes a call to `clock_gettime()`. If the process has root
privileges and `/tmp/.x` doesn't exist, it forks, creates `/tmp/.x` and finally
creates a TCP reverse shell to the exploit. It isn't elegant but it could be
used for container escape.
- payload improvement
- release of the tool for vDSO payloads testing
Detecting if vDSO is successfuly patched isn't bulletproof. During the *restore*
step, the vDSO is effectively restored but the exploit fails to report it
correctly. Indeed, the vDSO changes don't seem to affect the exploit process.
[4.0K] /data/pocs/545365f4c035c4eaca142e77737e1c39e2db7f28
├── [ 13K] 0xdeadbeef.c
├── [1.0K] LICENSE
├── [ 284] Makefile
├── [3.4K] payload.s
├── [1.2K] README.md
└── [4.0K] tools
├── [ 557] dump_vdso.c
├── [ 351] dump_vdso_prologue.sh
├── [ 234] Makefile
└── [ 508] test_payload.c
1 directory, 9 files
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