# CVE-2024-10924 Exploit - WordPress Really Simple SSL Plugin 2FA Bypass
## Overview
This repository contains an exploit for **CVE-2024-10924**, a vulnerability in the **Really Simple SSL** plugin for WordPress. It allows an attacker to bypass Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) onboarding and gain unauthorized administrative access to a WordPress site.
## Vulnerability Details
- **CVE**: CVE-2024-10924
- **Affected Component**: `/reallysimplessl/v1/two_fa/skip_onboarding` endpoint
- **Impact**: Authentication Bypass (Admin Access)
- **Requirements**: User ID (e.g., `1` for the default admin) and the vulnerable domain.
## Exploit Requirements
- Python 3.x
- `requests` library
## Installation
pip install requests
## Usage
python3 exploit.py <domain> <user_id>
python3 exploit.py example.com 1
## Expected Output
The exploit will print the `wordpress_logged_in_*` and `wordpress_*` cookies, which can be manually set in your browser to authenticate as the targeted user.
## Manual Cookie Injection (Firefox Example)
1. Open Developer Tools (`F12` or Right-click > Inspect).
2. Go to the **Storage** tab > **Cookies** > `http://<domain>`
3. Add the cookies retrieved from the exploit:
- `wordpress_logged_in_*`
- `wordpress_*`
4. Navigate to `http://<domain>/wp-admin` to access the admin panel.
## License
This exploit is intended for educational and authorized testing purposes only.
## Disclaimer
Use this code responsibly. Unauthorized access to systems is illegal.
[4.0K] /data/pocs/5bc2d6981577e0cf35fea145f8cdaa0e72063ca7
├── [1.2K] exploit.py
└── [1.5K] README.md
0 directories, 2 files
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