POC详情: 5d865b2b0b775eff18464dd1959ab116cf63f710

标题: Citrix Systems Citrix Gateway和Citrix ADC 跨站脚本漏洞 (CVE-2023-24488)
描述:Citrix Systems Citrix Gateway(Citrix Systems NetScaler Gateway)和Citrix ADC都是美国思杰系统(Citrix Systems)公司的产品。Citrix Gateway是一套安全的远程接入解决方案。该产品可为管理员提供应用级和数据级管控功能,以实现用户从任何地点远程访问应用和数据。Citrix ADC是一个最全面的应用程序交付和负载平衡解决方案。用于实现应用程序安全性、整体可见性和可用性。 Citrix ADC 和 Citrix Gate
Tools to perform exploit CVE-2023-24488
# POC for CVE-2023-24488

This tool is inspired from similar tool https://github.com/securitycipher/CVE-2023-24488 built using python, This tool was built using golang and has been refined from its python version, this tool is used for exfoliation CVE-2023-24488

Installation follow this command
λ  ~ git clone https://github.com/LazyySec/CVE-2023-24488.git
λ  ~ cd CVE-2023-24488
λ  CVE-2023-24488 git:(main) go build CVE-2023-24488.go
To run tools follow this command
λ  CVE-2023-24488 git:(main) ✗ ./CVE-2023-24488 --help
Develop By: LazySec

Usage of ./CVE-2023-24488:
  -f string
    	File containing list of URLs/IPs
  -o string
    	Output file to save vulnerable IPs
  -u string
    	Single URL/IP to check vulnerability
Thanks, and enjoy using this tools :)

[4.0K] /data/pocs/5d865b2b0b775eff18464dd1959ab116cf63f710 ├── [3.0K] CVE-2023-24488.go └── [ 790] README.md 0 directories, 2 files
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