Indico 安全漏洞
描述:Indico是Indico开源的一个功能丰富的事件管理系统。 Indico v3.2.9版本存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于存在损坏的对象级别授权问题,允许攻击者通过向组件 /api/principals 发送精心设计的 POST 请求来访问敏感信息。
## CVE-2024-50633
### 🏆 - **CVE-2024-50633**: [Indico BOLA Vulnerability](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-50633)
*(Discovered and reported a BOLA vulnerability in Indico.)*
### 📜 Description CVE-2024-50633
A **Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA)** vulnerability in Indico **v3.2.9** allows attackers to access sensitive user information by manipulating API requests.
### Query CVE-2024-50633
**FOFA** : title="Indico" || header="Indico"
**Google Dork** : intitle:"Indico" inurl:"/event"
### 🛠️ Technical Details
1. **Vulnerable Component**: `/api/principals`
2. **Method**: A crafted POST request can be used to exploit this vulnerability.
3. **Exploit Example**:
POST /api/principals HTTP/2
Content-Type: application/json
"values": ["User:2301"]
By modifying the User value (e.g., User:2302), the attacker can access data of another user.
Steps to Reproduce:
Register on an Indico website.
Navigate to the "Create Event" section and capture the POST request using Burp Suite.
Modify the values parameter to another user ID.
Observe that unauthorized data is returned.
🔥 **Impact**
This vulnerability can expose sensitive information of other users.
It breaks authorization boundaries, leading to potential data leaks.
⚙️ **Affected Versions**
Indico v3.2.9 to v3.3.2
🔧 **How to Fix? for [CVE-2024-50633]**
**Update to the Latest Version:**
Ensure that your Indico instance is updated to the latest patched version where the vulnerability has been addressed. Check Indico’s official releases for updates.
**Restrict Access to Sensitive Endpoints**:
Apply strict access controls on API endpoints such as /api/principals to ensure only authorized users can access sensitive information. Use role-based access control (RBAC) mechanisms.
**Implement Input Validation:**
Validate and sanitize user-provided input in all API requests to prevent unauthorized access or manipulation of data.
**Monitor and Audit Logs:**
Regularly monitor server logs for unusual API requests or unauthorized access attempts to /api/principals. This can help identify exploitation attempts.
**Use a Web Application Firewall (WAF):**
Deploying a WAF can provide an additional layer of protection against exploitation attempts by detecting and blocking malicious requests.
🕵️♂️ Reported by
[4.0K] /data/pocs/61d85c3bc46f04172d9b0e9791b05e8f498f93a0
└── [2.4K] README.md
0 directories, 1 file
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