POC详情: 65b6ecded106dcedce0671425a4183f63bc9004c

标题: 多款F5 BIG-IP产品virtual server 信息泄露漏洞 (CVE-2016-9244)
描述:F5 BIG-IP Analytics等都是美国F5公司的产品。F5 BIG-IP Analytics是一套Web应用程序性能分析软件。APM是一套提供安全统一访问关键业务应用和网络的解决方案。LTM是一款本地流量管理器。virtual server是其中的一个通用配置组件。 多款F5 BIG-IP产品中的virtual server存在安全漏洞。远程攻击者可利用该漏洞从其他会话中获取Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)会话ID。以下产品和版本受到影响:F5 BIG-IP LTM 12.0
Minion plugin for checking Ticketbleed (CVE-2016-9244)
Minion Ticketbleed Plugin

This is a plugin for Minion that run a check for Ticketbleed (CVE-2016-9244) vulnerability on F5 TLS layer.
The test can either runs as a go script or an linux binary. The script is improved from [https://filippo.io/Ticketbleed/](this site)


Clone the project with ``git clone https://github.com/glestel/minion-ticket-bleed-plugin.git``

Then in the project repertory, you can install the plugin by running the following command in the minion-schedule-plugin repository (with the virtual environment activated if needed): 
by the command

```python setup.py develop```

Compiling Go binary
Once you have installed your go environment, in the directory of the plugin, run
`go build ticketbuild.go` and specify the path to the created binary in the plan configuration.

Example of plan

    "configuration": {
      "report_dir": "/tmp/artifacts/",
      "ticket_path": "/home/user/minion/minion-ticket-bleed-plugin/ticketbleed"
    "description": "Check vulnerabity of TicketBleed for F5",
    "plugin_name": "minion.plugins.ticket_bleed_plugin.TicketBleedPlugin"
Available configuration option
Most of the options are not mandatory and have default values.
* ```report_dir``` : directory where the reports will be saved. By default, the path used is `/tmp/artifacts`
* ```ticket_path ``` : path of the binary that will run the scan


[4.0K] /data/pocs/65b6ecded106dcedce0671425a4183f63bc9004c ├── [4.0K] minion │   ├── [ 256] __init__.py │   └── [4.0K] plugins │   ├── [ 256] __init__.py │   └── [4.0K] ticket_bleed_plugin │   ├── [ 250] __init__.py │   └── [5.2K] ticket_bleed_plugin.py ├── [1.5K] README.md ├── [ 639] setup.py ├── [5.1M] ticketbleed └── [ 846] ticketbleed.go 3 directories, 8 files
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