POC详情: 695d5e9420c6c74f446e32292fd7b23c7c0c4ab5

标题: OpenSSL 加密问题漏洞 (CVE-2015-0204)
描述:OpenSSL是OpenSSL团队开发的一个开源的能够实现安全套接层(SSL v2/v3)和安全传输层(TLS v1)协议的通用加密库,它支持多种加密算法,包括对称密码、哈希算法、安全散列算法等。 OpenSSL的s3_clnt.c文件中的‘ssl3_get_key_exchange’函数存在安全漏洞。远程攻击者可通过提供临时的RSA密钥利用该漏洞实施RSA-to-EXPORT_RSA降级攻击,加快暴力破解进度。以下版本受到影响:OpenSSL 0.9.8zd之前版本,1.0.0p之前1.0.0版本,1.
Basic BASH Script to Automate OpenSSL based testing for FREAK Attack (CVE-2015-0204) as advised by Akamai.
# FREAK Attack CVE 20150204 Testing Script

Basic BASH Script to Automate OpenSSL based testing for FREAK Attack (CVE-2015-0204) as advised by Akamai. It is a Free Software and does not need other's server to run. Your server must score A+ to SSL Labs test under normal situation, should listed as HSTS Preload Listed website for better security.

Except renowned web service providers, do not test your own website on some mother f$$$$$$r's server on SSL Lab. First test that server, it is not unusual to find security flaw on their website. 

The script is written as described method by Akamai. I written for our servers. You should not complain against it, because it is 100% free software. Normally on SSL Lab Test, you'll score A+ with with good settings. Casually test with this script for any extra issue. Most webmasters, frankly use very bad setup, can not even qualify to score A on SSL Labs. 

Usage :

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AbhishekGhosh/FREAK-Attack-CVE-2015-0204-Testing-Script/master/freak-test.sh
chmod +x freak-test.sh
sh freak-test.sh

Any link posted towards any website running any non-Free software as issue, will be deleted from here and red linked on DMOZ. Non-Free software is as per definiation by Richard M. Stallman. 

[4.0K] /data/pocs/695d5e9420c6c74f446e32292fd7b23c7c0c4ab5 ├── [3.0K] freak-test.sh ├── [ 34K] LICENSE └── [1.2K] README.md 0 directories, 3 files
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