POC详情: 6db73fa2f0dc4ac9764039f453f3c37cb6e3985e

标题: Microsoft Windows Themes 安全漏洞 (CVE-2023-38146)
描述:Microsoft Windows是美国微软(Microsoft)公司的一套个人设备使用的操作系统。 Microsoft Windows Themes存在安全漏洞。攻击者利用该漏洞可以远程执行代码。以下产品和版本受到影响:Windows 11 version 21H2 for x64-based Systems,Windows 11 version 21H2 for ARM64-based Systems,Windows 11 Version 22H2 for ARM64-based Systems,Wi
A proof of concept using python for the CVE-2023-38146 "ThemeBleed"
A huge thanks to gabe_k for the initial PoC in C#, and actually finding this CVE, this is a remake of his code in python, reusing his stage files.
To see the initial PoC view his page for it here: <https://github.com/gabe-k/themebleed>
# ThemeBleedPy
A proof of concept using python for the CVE-2023-38146 "ThemeBleed".
# Requirements:
This program uses [Impackets SMB server](https://github.com/fortra/impacket) and overrides the smb2Create function and therefore required Impackets functionalities.
    Replace {IP-ADDRESS} in the exploit.theme file
    python3 ThemeBleedServer.py - Run the SMB server
    Use the .theme file on a vulnerable windows 11 machine
    As in Gabe's Exploit you need to create a new stage 3 file that is a dll that exports VerifyThemeVersion, the current file only opens Calc.

# How it works:
Themebleed starts with a .THEME file that requests for an msstyles file off of the internet.
If the file has a "999" version number is used it will call the ReviseVersionIfNecessary function, which unsafely loads a .dll file, allowing an attacker to load an unchecked library file.
# Why Another PoC?
I put this together because I couldn't get the C# code to compile in linux, probably due to my own ignorance of how it works, I know how to code python though.
# Notable Lines:
Lines 44-53 in ThemeBleedServer.py/overrideSmb2Create - This is where the path change happens <br />
Lines 191-End in ThemeBleedServer.py - Server Creation <br />
Line 13 in exploit.theme - For IP change.

[4.0K] /data/pocs/6db73fa2f0dc4ac9764039f453f3c37cb6e3985e ├── [ 375] exploit.theme ├── [1.5K] README.md ├── [1.4M] stage_1 ├── [1.4M] stage_2 ├── [ 86K] stage_3 └── [9.3K] ThemeBleedServer.py 0 directories, 6 files
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