POC详情: 72e0a642292beb31f2cfb23ef3e0aac0509bf30d

标题: PHPMailer 安全漏洞 (CVE-2016-10033)
描述:PHPMailer是一个用于发送电子邮件的PHP类库。 PHPMailer 5.2.18之前的版本中的isMail transport的‘mailSend’函数存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于程序没有设置Sender属性。远程攻击者可利用该漏洞向邮件命令中传递额外的参数,并执行任意代码。
CTF based around CVE-2016-10033
# CTF_CVE-2016-10033
CTF based around CVE-2016-10033\
By: Evan Brooks\
Ohio University CS4900 

## Description
You are the founder of a new email service called Bobcats Send Mail Over the Internet™. You hoped to make a lot of money from this product, but no one wants to use your mailing service. After doing tons of research you found that the reason is customers prefer using a service called Vulnerable Mail Form™. Vulnerable Mail Form has a minimalistic, easy-to-understand design. You have a plan to get customers using your mail service: disable the competetor's website and embarrass them in the process.

## Setup
This CTF utilizes a docker image from docker user *Vulnerables*. The image provides a site that utilizes a vulnerable version of PHPMailer, which will be run on localhost:8080. Follow the instructions [here](https://hub.docker.com/r/vulnerables/cve-2016-7434) to get the image setup.

## Goals
-Disable the competing mail service running on localhost:8080 using the vulnerability revealed in CVE-2016-10033\
-Leave a message to embarrass your adversaries\
Show your localhost:8080 to one of the CTF staff when complete.

## Solution
My solution to this CTF, *deface.sh*, is given in the repository. This shell script begins by choosing a base64 decoder, then begins the exploit. The script creates a backdoor, *backdoor.php*, in the target system. It then connects to this backdoor and replaces the form on the site with the word "Defaced". This prevents the site from being used any more.

[4.0K] /data/pocs/72e0a642292beb31f2cfb23ef3e0aac0509bf30d ├── [1.9K] deface.sh └── [1.5K] README.md 0 directories, 2 files
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