Linux kernel 缓冲区错误漏洞
描述:Linux kernel是美国Linux基金会的开源操作系统Linux所使用的内核。 Linux 内核存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于在netfilter子系统的linux/net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c中存在Linux内核的一个缺陷。 此漏洞允许本地用户导致越界写入问题。 攻击者可以通过nft_expr_payload触发 Linux 内核的内存损坏,从而触发拒绝服务,并可能运行代码。
A write-up and LPE PoC of an OOB read and write vulnerability in the Linux Kernel.
# CVE-2022-1015
A write-up and Local Privilege Escalation Proof-of-Concept of an OOB read and write vulnerability in the Linux Kernel.
You can find the [write-up](https://ysanatomic.github.io/cve-2022-1015/) of this vulnerability on my [blog](https://ysanatomic.github.io/) and you can find my introduction to `nf_tables` [here](https://ysanatomic.github.io/netfilter_nf_tables/) as well.
### An Important note
The exploit provided in this repository should not be expected to run successfully on vulnerable kernel versions out of the box.
There are many offsets that would differ between kernel builds as well as of course differing ROP gadgets.
Sometimes even the way the vulnerability is exploited might have to be changed due to differences between kernel builds. An example is another write-up of this vulnerability by David Bouman (@pqlqpql) that you can find [here](https://blog.dbouman.nl/2022/04/02/How-The-Tables-Have-Turned-CVE-2022-1015-1016/#4-cve-2022-1015) where he exploits the vulnerability using *UDP packets* - targetting the stack when a UDP packet is being handled - which couldn't have been done on my kernel build due to significant differences in the stack layout. Instead I used a method targetting the stack when a *TCP ACK* packet is being handled.
If you have the desire to test it out on your end I would recommend reading my write-up and follow the path of finding out the offsets, what hooks to use, etc.
The exact kernel version from which I built the kernel that I was targetting in the write-up was `5.12.0`, commit `9f4ad9e425a1d3b6a34617b8ea226d56a119a717`.
### Building the exploit
To build the exploit you need the libraries `libmnl` and `libnftnl` as well as the POSIX thread (pthread) library.
Building it then is as simple as
gcc -lmnl -lnftnl -lpthread exploit.c -o exploit
### Vulnerable versions
The vulnerability arises from `nft_validate_register_store` introduced in commit `345023b0db315648ccc3c1a36aee88304a8b4d91` in version `5.12` and is patched in commit `6e1acfa387b9ff82cfc7db8cc3b6959221a95851` in version `5.17`.
### Legal Disclaimer
This Proof-of-Concept and the write-up of the vulnerability are for **educational purposes only**.
I am not legally responsible for any way this code might get used.
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├── [ 35K] exploit.c
├── [2.2K] README.md
└── [ 48K] writeup.md
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