POC详情: 83c5a2dc02052b3bd18ef22af5422ce790138002

标题: BusyBox 路径遍历漏洞 (CVE-2011-5325)
描述:BusyBox是由软件开发者Denys Viasenko开发维护的一个UNIX程序实用包。BusyBox implementation of tar是其中的一个tar(文件备份)命令的实现。 BusyBox implementation of tar 1.22.0 v5之前的版本中存在目录遍历漏洞。远程攻击者可通过符号链接攻击利用该漏洞读取任意文件。
Proof Of Concept
Title: PoC: Detecting Hardcoded Credentials (Default Password) in DCS-953L Firmware of Dlink (Novi Hogeschool Assessment)

Purpose: This Python script provides a foundational demonstration of how to automate the initial steps of searching for hardcoded credentials within the Dlink DCS-935L Firmware. It's designed as an educational Proof of Concept (PoC) for a Novi Hogeschool assessment.

Usage: To use the provided script, follow these steps:

1. Install Python: Ensure Python is installed on your system.

Linux Install Python:
sudo apt install python3
Mac Install Python:
brew install python
2. Install Required Modules: You need to install the `requests` module if it's not already installed. You can do this using pip, Python's package manager, by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
   pip install requests
3. Run the Script: Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory containing the `CVE-2019-12550.py` file, and run the script using the following command:
   python3 CVE-2019-12550.py   
4. Check Output: After running the script, it will download the DCS935L Firmware, extract its contents, locate the `/etc/passwd_default` file, read its content, and write it to a new file named `done.txt`. You can find the `done.txt` file in the same directory where you ran the script.

5. Review Output: Open the `done.txt` file to review the contents of the `/etc/passwd_default` file, which was retrieved.

How it Works

Downloads a Repository: The script downloads a specified GitHub repository as a ZIP file.
Extracts the Archive: It extracts the contents of the downloaded ZIP file.
Locates a Target File: The script navigates the extracted file structure to locate a specific file (in this example, 'etc/passwd_default').
Copies File Content: The contents of the target file are copied to a new file ('done.txt') for further manual inspection.

Important Notes

Ensure you have the requests and zipfile libraries installed (pip install requests zipfile).
Disclaimer: This script is intended for educational use within the scope of a Novi Hogeschool assessment.  Always use code responsibly and ethically when interacting with GitHub repositories.

Author Georgio T

[4.0K] /data/pocs/83c5a2dc02052b3bd18ef22af5422ce790138002 ├── [1.1K] CVE-2019-12550.py └── [2.2K] README.md 0 directories, 2 files
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