POC详情: 845b86d7eb84fd7f737b5577a558c6db6ec287eb

标题: Eclair 安全漏洞 (CVE-2019-13000)
描述:Eclair 0.3及之前版本中存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于程序中不正确的访问控制。攻击者可利用该漏洞不支付或少支付交易的现金总数。
A tool that detect if your node has been victim of the invalid funding tx attack.
# Detection tool for CVE 2019-13000

A tool that detect if your node has been victim of the invalid funding tx attack.

## Usage

java -jar checkfunding.jar --db eclair.sqlite

## Help

$ java -jar checkfunding.jar --help
checkfunding 1.0
Usage: checkfunding [options]

  --db <eclair.sqlite>  path to eclair.sqlite
  --conf <eclair.conf>  path to eclair.conf
  --help                prints this usage text

This utility will detect if your node has been victim of CVE-2019-13000.
Please see the thread on https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2019-August/002130.html for more details on the vulnerability.

NB: This tool will only work if you have been using released versions of Eclair. If you are on e.g. latest master, please contact support.

Example: checkfunding --db /path/to/eclair.sqlite --conf /path/to/eclair.conf


[4.0K] /data/pocs/845b86d7eb84fd7f737b5577a558c6db6ec287eb ├── [7.2K] pom.xml ├── [ 873] README.md └── [4.0K] src └── [4.0K] main ├── [4.0K] resources │   └── [1.0K] logback.xml └── [4.0K] scala └── [4.0K] fr └── [4.0K] acinq └── [4.0K] eclair └── [4.0K] checkfunding ├── [2.0K] Boot.scala ├── [2.9K] CheckBitcoind.scala ├── [3.6K] CheckFunding.scala └── [ 888] Conf.scala 8 directories, 7 files
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