Order Attachments for WooCommerce 2.0 - 2.4.1 - Missing Authorization to Authenticated (Subscriber+) Limited Arbitrary File Upload
# 🚀 WooCommerce Arbitrary File Upload Exploit (CVE-2024-9756)
## 📌 Overview
This exploit leverages an **unauthorized limited arbitrary file upload vulnerability** in the *Order Attachments for WooCommerce* plugin (versions **2.0 to 2.4.1**) for WordPress.
The vulnerability allows **authenticated users (Subscriber+)** to upload restricted file types without proper authorization.
### ⚠️ Disclaimer
> **This script is for educational and security research purposes only.**
> Any unauthorized use of this exploit on systems you do not own is strictly illegal.
## 🔗 CVE Details
- **CVE ID:** CVE-2024-9756
- **Vulnerable Plugin:** Order Attachments for WooCommerce
- **Affected Versions:** 2.0 to 2.4.1
- **Vulnerability Type:** **Missing Authorization to Authenticated Arbitrary File Upload**
- **Exploitation Prerequisite:** *Valid WordPress login with at least "Subscriber" role*
- **Potential Impact:** Limited file uploads that can be used for further exploitation.
## ⚙️ Requirements
Ensure you have the following before running the exploit:
### ✅ Dependencies
- Python 3.x
- `requests` module → Install with:
pip install requests
- Target WordPress site with the vulnerable plugin installed.
### ✅ WordPress User Permissions
- Requires **Subscriber+** access to exploit.
## 🚀 Exploit Usage
### **🔹 Running the Exploit**
python3 CVE-2024-9756.py -u <TARGET_URL> -un <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD>
python3 CVE-2024-9756.py -u -un khaled -p mypassword
## 🔧 Advanced Usage
You can specify **custom file names** and **order IDs**:
### **🔹 Upload a specific file**
python3 CVE-2024-9756.py -u <TARGET_URL> -un <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> --filename="custom.png" --filetype="image/png"
### **🔹 Attach file to a different Order ID**
python3 CVE-2024-9756.py -u <TARGET_URL> -un <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -o 200
## 📌 Script Behavior
1. **Authenticates with WordPress** using the provided credentials.
2. **Verifies the file exists locally** before uploading.
3. **Executes the file upload exploit** via the vulnerable AJAX endpoint.
4. **Parses the server response** and extracts the uploaded file URL.
## ✅ Expected Output
If successful, the script will return the uploaded file URL:
[*] Initiating authentication...
[✔] Authentication successful.
[*] Deploying payload: Nxploit.jpg to order 196...
[✔] Payload successfully deployed!
🔗 File URL:
## 🔥 Mitigation & Fixes
- **Upgrade the plugin** to the latest patched version.
- **Restrict file upload permissions** to Admins only.
- **Modify `functions.php`** to block `wp_ajax_wcoa_add_attachment` from unauthorized users:
if (!current_user_can('manage_woocommerce')) {
wp_send_json_error(['message' => 'Unauthorized'], 403);
## 🛑 Legal Notice
> **This exploit is published for educational purposes and security research only.**
> **Unauthorized use against systems without explicit permission is illegal and punishable under cybersecurity laws.**
> **Use at your own risk.**
[4.0K] /data/pocs/90db206814c1adf8b217923f74a14c4de3f21c75
├── [3.2K] CVE-2024-9756.py
├── [154K] Nxploit.jpg
└── [3.2K] README.md
0 directories, 3 files
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