POC详情: 91e6b1444b46bf6da96f83875d4cec8de0c59455

标题: PostgreSQL 安全漏洞 (CVE-2017-15099)
描述:PostgreSQL是PostgreSQL开发组所研发的一套自由的对象关系型数据库管理系统。该系统支持大部分SQL标准并且提供了许多其他特性,例如外键、触发器、视图等。 PostgreSQL中存在安全绕过漏洞。远程攻击者可利用该漏洞绕过安全限制,执行未授权的操作。以下版本受到影响:PostgreSQL 10.1之前的10.x版本,9.6.6之前的9.6.x版本,9.5.10之前的9.5.x版本。
# CVE-2022-21724: JDBC RCE PostgreSQL 

## Intro
This demo will show how a non-patched JDBC driver can be used to attach PostgreSQL and gain RCE.

Affecting org.postgresql:postgresql package, versions [9.4.1208,42.2.25) [42.3.0,42.3.2)

This demo is deployed using Vagrant and will deploy the following nodes:

| Name | IP | Postgres | Remarks |
| -------- | -------- | ----- | -------- |
| attacker | | -- | Metasploit Framework |
| vuln | | 9.6.4 |  |
| novuln | | 16.3 |  |

## Demo prep
### Pre-requisites
To deploy this demo the following needs to be installed in the PC from which you are going to deploy the demo:

- VirtualBox (https://www.virtualbox.org/)
- Vagrant (https://www.vagrantup.com/)
- Vagrant Hosts plug-in (`vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts`)
- Vagrant Reload plug-in (`vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload`)

The environment is deloyed in a VirtualBox **public** network. Adjust the IP addresses to your needs in `vars.yml`.

### Provisioning VM's.
Provision the hosts using `vagrant up`. This will create the bare virtual machines and will take appx. 5 minutes to complete. 

After provisioning, the hosts will have the current directory mounted in their filesystem under `/vagrant`

### Passwords

## Demo flow

[4.0K] /data/pocs/91e6b1444b46bf6da96f83875d4cec8de0c59455 ├── [ 96] 99-deprovision.sh ├── [ 460] bootstrap_all.sh ├── [ 355] bootstrap_attacker.sh ├── [ 468] bootstrap_novuln.sh ├── [ 752] bootstrap_vuln.sh ├── [ 227] env.sh ├── [1.3K] README.md ├── [2.0K] Vagrantfile └── [ 105] vars.yml 0 directories, 9 files
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