POC详情: 94d8506526bd8a53a44dca6e4fde259f25172199

标题: VMware Spring Cloud Gateway 代码注入漏洞 (CVE-2022-22947)
描述:VMware Spring Cloud Gateway是美国威睿(VMware)公司的提供了一个用于在 Spring WebFlux 之上构建 API 网关的库。 VMware Spring Cloud Gateway 存在代码注入漏洞,远程攻击者可利用该漏洞发出恶意的请求并允许在远程主机上执行任意远程命令。
CVE-2022-22947 exploit script
# CVE-2022-22947

> A code injection attack on spring cloud gateway

## Summary of the CVE

In spring cloud gateway versions prior to 3.1.1+ and 3.0.7+, applications are vulnerable to a code injection attack when the Gateway Actuator endpoint is enabled, exposed and unsecured. A remote attacker could make a maliciously crafted request that could allow arbitrary remote execution on the remote host.

## Affected Versions

- Oracle Commerce Guided Search 11.3.2        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Function Cloud Native Environment 1.10.0        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Console 22.2.0        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Slice Selection Function 1.8.0        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Slice Selection Function 22.1.0        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Security Edge Protection Proxy 22.1.1        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function 1.15.0        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function 1.15.1        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function 22.2.0        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function 22.1.2        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function 1.11.0        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function 22.1.3        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Service Communication Proxy 1.15.0        
- Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Exposure Function 22.1.0        
- Vmware Spring Cloud Gateway < 3.0.7
- Vmware Spring Cloud Gateway 3.1.0

## References

- [Github POC - luckone, Mar 02 2022](https://github.com/lucksec/Spring-Cloud-Gateway-CVE-2022-22947)
- [Spring Security Advisories, Mar 01 2022](https://spring.io/security/cve-2022-22947)
- [Original Discovery - Wyatt Dahlenburg, Feb 26 2022](https://wya.pl/2022/02/26/cve-2022-22947-spel-casting-and-evil-beans/)
- [CVE-details - CVSS Score 10.0](https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2022-22947)

[4.0K] /data/pocs/94d8506526bd8a53a44dca6e4fde259f25172199 ├── [7.6K] CVE-2022-22947.py ├── [2.0K] README.md └── [ 9] requirements.txt 0 directories, 3 files
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