POC详情: 9a01a341289224acc91a7cd04e7ddd03dee66b41

标题: Oracle WebLogic Server 安全漏洞 (CVE-2020-14882)
描述:Oracle WebLogic Server是美国甲骨文(Oracle)公司的一款适用于云环境和传统环境的应用服务中间件,它提供了一个现代轻型开发平台,支持应用从开发到生产的整个生命周期管理,并简化了应用的部署和管理。 Oracle WebLogic Server 多版本的Oracle Fusion Middleware 存在安全漏洞,该漏洞使未经身份验证的攻击者可以通过HTTP访问网络,从而破坏Oracle WebLogic Server。 受影响产品及版本如下:版本, 12.1.
# CVE-2020-14882 HoaxShell
This Python script is designed to exploit a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Oracle WebLogic Server (CVE-2020-14882) to execute commands on a vulnerable target server and capture their output through HTTP requests. It first prompts for a target WebLogic URL and network interface, then enters a loop where the user can input commands. For each command, it automatically allocates an available port and creates a temporary HTTP listener on that port. The script formats the command to be executed on the target WebLogic system, wrapping it in a PowerShell command that will send its output back to the listener via an HTTP POST request. A separate thread handles the listening for the HTTP response while the main thread sends the exploit to the target through WebLogic's console portal. Once the response is received, the listener thread prints the full HTTP request (including headers and body) to standard output and signals completion. Finally, the port is closed, and the user can enter another command or exit the program.

[4.0K] /data/pocs/9a01a341289224acc91a7cd04e7ddd03dee66b41 ├── [4.8K] cve_2020_14882.py └── [1.0K] README.md 0 directories, 2 files
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