POC详情: 9b0a34b26975ede8d1221cb4b6c7533e32bccbd6

标题: TinyXML 安全漏洞 (CVE-2023-34194)
描述:TinyXML是一个简单、小巧、最小的 C++ Xml 解析器。 TinyXML 2.6.2及之前版本存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于文件tinyxmlparser.cpp存在安全漏洞。
TinyXML 2.6.2 with fixes for CVE-2021-42260 and CVE-2023-34194
 [4.0K]  /data/pocs/9b0a34b26975ede8d1221cb4b6c7533e32bccbd6
├── [ 15K]  changes.txt
├── [4.0K]  docs
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│   ├── [2.7K]  classes.html
│   ├── [ 15K]  classTiXmlAttribute.html
│   ├── [8.1K]  classTiXmlAttribute-members.html
│   ├── [ 401]  classTiXmlAttribute.png
│   ├── [ 16K]  classTiXmlBase.html
│   ├── [3.8K]  classTiXmlBase-members.html
│   ├── [1.4K]  classTiXmlBase.png
│   ├── [7.6K]  classTiXmlComment.html
│   ├── [ 19K]  classTiXmlComment-members.html
│   ├── [ 518]  classTiXmlComment.png
│   ├── [ 11K]  classTiXmlDeclaration.html
│   ├── [ 20K]  classTiXmlDeclaration-members.html
│   ├── [ 557]  classTiXmlDeclaration.png
│   ├── [ 30K]  classTiXmlDocument.html
│   ├── [ 23K]  classTiXmlDocument-members.html
│   ├── [ 535]  classTiXmlDocument.png
│   ├── [ 33K]  classTiXmlElement.html
│   ├── [ 24K]  classTiXmlElement-members.html
│   ├── [ 514]  classTiXmlElement.png
│   ├── [ 25K]  classTiXmlHandle.html
│   ├── [5.6K]  classTiXmlHandle-members.html
│   ├── [ 59K]  classTiXmlNode.html
│   ├── [ 18K]  classTiXmlNode-members.html
│   ├── [1.3K]  classTiXmlNode.png
│   ├── [ 14K]  classTiXmlPrinter.html
│   ├── [5.4K]  classTiXmlPrinter-members.html
│   ├── [ 380]  classTiXmlPrinter.png
│   ├── [ 10K]  classTiXmlText.html
│   ├── [ 19K]  classTiXmlText-members.html
│   ├── [ 485]  classTiXmlText.png
│   ├── [6.8K]  classTiXmlUnknown.html
│   ├── [ 18K]  classTiXmlUnknown-members.html
│   ├── [ 521]  classTiXmlUnknown.png
│   ├── [8.3K]  classTiXmlVisitor.html
│   ├── [3.6K]  classTiXmlVisitor-members.html
│   ├── [ 386]  classTiXmlVisitor.png
│   ├── [2.6K]  deprecated.html
│   ├── [7.0K]  doxygen.css
│   ├── [1.3K]  doxygen.png
│   ├── [1.5K]  files.html
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│   ├── [3.3K]  functions_0x64.html
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│   ├── [4.0K]  functions_0x66.html
│   ├── [3.5K]  functions_0x67.html
│   ├── [4.0K]  functions_0x69.html
│   ├── [3.7K]  functions_0x6c.html
│   ├── [4.0K]  functions_0x6e.html
│   ├── [3.4K]  functions_0x6f.html
│   ├── [4.5K]  functions_0x70.html
│   ├── [4.3K]  functions_0x71.html
│   ├── [3.7K]  functions_0x72.html
│   ├── [5.4K]  functions_0x73.html
│   ├── [6.0K]  functions_0x74.html
│   ├── [3.4K]  functions_0x75.html
│   ├── [4.9K]  functions_0x76.html
│   ├── [1.9K]  functions_enum.html
│   ├── [4.5K]  functions_func_0x63.html
│   ├── [3.2K]  functions_func_0x64.html
│   ├── [4.0K]  functions_func_0x65.html
│   ├── [3.9K]  functions_func_0x66.html
│   ├── [3.4K]  functions_func_0x67.html
│   ├── [3.9K]  functions_func_0x69.html
│   ├── [3.7K]  functions_func_0x6c.html
│   ├── [3.8K]  functions_func_0x6e.html
│   ├── [4.4K]  functions_func_0x70.html
│   ├── [4.2K]  functions_func_0x71.html
│   ├── [3.7K]  functions_func_0x72.html
│   ├── [5.3K]  functions_func_0x73.html
│   ├── [5.9K]  functions_func_0x74.html
│   ├── [3.2K]  functions_func_0x75.html
│   ├── [4.8K]  functions_func_0x76.html
│   ├── [3.9K]  functions_func.html
│   ├── [4.0K]  functions.html
│   ├── [2.0K]  functions_rela.html
│   ├── [1.9K]  functions_vars.html
│   ├── [2.3K]  hierarchy.html
│   ├── [ 24K]  index.html
│   ├── [1.2K]  pages.html
│   ├── [  35]  tab_b.gif
│   ├── [ 706]  tab_l.gif
│   ├── [2.5K]  tab_r.gif
│   ├── [1.8K]  tabs.css
│   ├── [ 27K]  tinystr_8h_source.html
│   ├── [200K]  tinyxml_8h_source.html
│   └── [ 23K]  tutorial0.html
├── [3.4K]  Makefile
├── [ 19K]  readme.txt
├── [2.4K]  tinystr.cpp
├── [8.0K]  tinystr.h
├── [ 38K]  tinyxml.cpp
├── [1.7K]  tinyxmlerror.cpp
├── [ 63K]  tinyxml.h
├── [6.8K]  tinyxml_lib.vcxproj
├── [ 37K]  tinyxmlparser.cpp
├── [2.2K]  tinyxml.sln
├── [6.7K]  tinyxmlSTL.vcxproj
├── [6.9K]  tinyXmlTestSTL.vcxproj
├── [6.7K]  tinyXmlTest.vcxproj
├── [ 14K]  utf8test.gif
├── [ 692]  utf8testverify.xml
├── [ 690]  utf8test.xml
└── [ 41K]  xmltest.cpp

1 directory, 105 files
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