POC详情: a015b18c866e525dd18490231b6c8f9a25a124c4

标题: HotelDruid 代码注入漏洞 (CVE-2022-22909)
描述:HotelDruid是Digitaldruid.net团队的一套酒店管理系统。该系统包括客房管理、财务管理和库存管理等功能。 HotelDruid 3.0.3版本存在代码注入漏洞,攻击者可利用该漏洞远程执行代码。
Hotel Druid 3.0.3 Code Injection to Remote Code Execution
# CVE-2022-22909
## Description
A Code Injection vulnerability has been found on the `Hotel Druid v3.0.3` application, which an attacker could exploit to execute remote code on the server.
**For a successful exploitation, an attacker should have the privilege to add a new room.**

## Vulnerability description
The vulnerability occurs because room names are getting stored inside a file named `/dati/selectappartamenti.php` using **Double Quotes**.

echo "
<option value=\"Room1\">Room1</option>
<option value=\"Room2\">Room2</option>
<option value=\"Room3\">Room3</option>


## Payload
To perform a successful exploitation, add a room with the following payload as room name.


After adding a new room, go to `/dati/selectappartamenti.php` and trigger the webshell by passing a command using the `cmd` parameter.

## Usage
usage: hotel-druid.py [-h] -t TARGET [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--noauth]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Target URL. Example :
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
  --noauth              If No authentication is required to access the dashboard

## Example
If the application has no authentication.
Use the `--noauth` flag to perform no authentication.


If the server has authentication enabled, use the `--username` and `--password` to perform authentication.


## Credits
Researcher and POC writer - [0z09e](http://twitter.com/0z09e)

[4.0K] /data/pocs/a015b18c866e525dd18490231b6c8f9a25a124c4 ├── [5.7K] exploit.py ├── [4.0K] img │   ├── [ 51K] Pasted image 20220217230935.png │   ├── [ 52K] Pasted image 20220217231404.png │   └── [ 18K] Pasted image 20220217232112.png ├── [ 34K] LICENSE └── [1.8K] README.md 1 directory, 6 files
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