This app checks if you're vulnerable to CVE-2016-8467 and/or if your bootmode property has been tampered with.
# bootmodechecker
This app checks if your Nexus 6/6P is still vulnerable to [CVE-2016-8467](https://securityresear.ch/2017/01/05/attacking-android-custom-bootmodes/) and/or if your bootmode property has been tampered with.
Also available under Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=roeeh.bootmodechecker

[4.0K] /data/pocs/a4a55d638d0e2c91e844873b4db2a04cc64c2bd5
├── [4.0K] app
│ ├── [ 870] build.gradle
│ ├── [ 659] proguard-rules.pro
│ └── [4.0K] src
│ └── [4.0K] main
│ ├── [ 664] AndroidManifest.xml
│ ├── [336K] ic_launcher-web.png
│ ├── [4.0K] java
│ │ └── [4.0K] roeeh
│ │ └── [4.0K] bootmodechecker
│ │ └── [5.8K] BootmodeActivity.java
│ └── [4.0K] res
│ ├── [4.0K] layout
│ │ └── [5.3K] activity_main.xml
│ ├── [4.0K] mipmap-hdpi
│ │ └── [9.8K] ic_launcher.png
│ ├── [4.0K] mipmap-mdpi
│ │ └── [4.7K] ic_launcher.png
│ ├── [4.0K] mipmap-xhdpi
│ │ └── [ 17K] ic_launcher.png
│ ├── [4.0K] mipmap-xxhdpi
│ │ └── [ 35K] ic_launcher.png
│ ├── [4.0K] mipmap-xxxhdpi
│ │ └── [ 58K] ic_launcher.png
│ ├── [4.0K] values
│ │ ├── [ 208] colors.xml
│ │ ├── [ 211] dimens.xml
│ │ ├── [ 78] strings.xml
│ │ └── [ 383] styles.xml
│ └── [4.0K] values-w820dp
│ └── [ 358] dimens.xml
├── [ 498] build.gradle
├── [4.9K] gradlew
├── [2.3K] gradlew.bat
├── [306K] icon.png
├── [ 11K] LICENSE
├── [ 11K] n6p-bootmode-tampered.png
├── [ 366] README.md
└── [ 15] settings.gradle
15 directories, 24 files
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