POC详情: a7386c63ae5cc9e9749b1239955b42c5ed73387f

标题: WordPress plugin Automatic 路径遍历漏洞 (CVE-2024-27954)
描述:WordPress和WordPress plugin都是WordPress基金会的产品。WordPress是一套使用PHP语言开发的博客平台。该平台支持在PHP和MySQL的服务器上架设个人博客网站。WordPress plugin是一个应用插件。 WordPress plugin Automatic 3.92.0 版本及之前版本存在路径遍历漏洞,该漏洞源于存在路径遍历漏洞。
Automatic Plugin for WordPress < 3.92.1 Multiples Vulnerabilities

# ⚠️ CVE-2024-27954

💀 **Automatic Remote code Execution Exploit Tools | By GhostSec** 💀


## 📝 Description

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in WP Automatic Automatic allows Path Traversal, Server Side Request Forgery.This issue affects Automatic: from n/a through 3.92.0.

### ⌛ Queries
- FOFA = `body="wp-content/plugins/wp-automatic" && header="HTTP/1.1 200 OK"`
- ZoomEye = `title:"wp-automatic" response.status_code:200`
- Shodan = `http.title:"wp-automatic" http.status:200`
- Publicwww = `"/wp-content/plugins/wp-automatic"`

## ⌛ Installation

1. **Clone the repository:**
   git clone https://github.com/fa-rrel/CVE-2024-27954.git
   cd CVE-2024-27954

2. **Install the required packages:**
   pip install -r requirements.txt

## 🚀 Usage
- RCE Usage
python RCE_Exploit.py -u <target_url> or <File.txt>
- Nuclei usage
nuclei -t POC.yaml --target http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ or -l WPUrls.txt

## ☕ Support

If you find this tool useful and want to support the development, consider buying me a coffee:
<a href="https://buymeacoffee.com/ghost_sec" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/arial-white.png" alt="Buy Me a Coffee" width="90"></a>


## ⚠️ Disclaimer

This tool is intended for authorized security testing and educational purposes only. Unauthorized use against systems is strictly prohibited.

## 📄 License

This is tools licensed under the MIT License.

[4.0K] /data/pocs/a7386c63ae5cc9e9749b1239955b42c5ed73387f ├── [ 661] POC.yaml ├── [4.1K] RCE_Exploit.py ├── [1.5K] README.md └── [ 26] requirements.txt 0 directories, 4 files
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